BALSAVIMAS (liepos 17-24 d.)
Atėjo metas išrinkti, kas skries nuo Kauno Parodos kalno – tai galite padaryti balsuodami nuo Liepos 17-24 dienomis. Kriterijus išsirinkite patys – balsuokite už tuos kurių muilinės atrodo greičiausiai arba gražiausiai, arba kaip tik, balsuokite už tuos, kurių vežėčios, panašu, subyrės neprivažiavusios finišo, juk tai irgi smagu. Turite absoliučią laisvę.
Our team has cooked up a hilarious and unique idea that we think will really stand out. Picture this: a wedding ceremony where the bride (played by me) suddenly bolts from the altar. The shocked priest and groom quickly hop into a soapbox, wedding arch and all, and speed off in hot pursuit – with the floral arch as a part of the soapbox itself!
During the ceremony at the start, there will be a real wedding orchestra playing music. As a professional florist, I’ll make sure our soapbox looks absolutely stunning with top-notch decorations. We’re all about combining creativity with a good laugh, and we can’t wait to bring this fun story to life at the race.