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Matote, kartais kyla klausimai būtent dėl to, kad pažiūros ir vertybės pažiūros niekur nedingo iš rašytojų galvų, bet jų vis mažiau toje "visai neblogoje galvoje". Ypač nesimato "geresnių žaidimo taisyklių sukūrimo". Nemanau, kad Čyvo arba Laučiaus rašiniai yra priežastis, kad valdžia to nelabai daro. Mokesčių padidinimas ir pensinio amžiaus pailginimas bei panašūs žmonių sunkimai tai dar nėra geresnės taisyklės. Kaip prieš Kubilių, taip ir dabar geriausiai tos taisyklės pritaikytos Maximoms ir neapskaitiniams Gariūnams, kurie tebėra "nacionalinės svarbos objektas". Vieninteliu pinigų šaltiniu ir toliau laikomos silpniausios visuomenės grupės, kurios, kitaip nei gariūninės pamazgos, neateis daužyti langų.Tad ir Kubiliaus ar Degutienės gero ir blogo policininko žaidimai yra tik akių dūmimas. Ne Laučiaus ir ne Čyvo problema, kad konservatoriai iki tiek nusirito.
Seimas - aukščiausioji valdžia. Tai kam žurnalistas Čyvas svo "moksliniais tyrinėjimais" nori nukirsti neblogą galvą tai aukščiausiajai valdžiai? Kam reikia naikinti Seimą? Juk be jo geresnių "žaidimo taisyklių" sukūrimo liaudies masėms imtis ekonominės veiklos čia, Lietuvoje, iš krizių neišbrisime. Tą patį valdžios naikinimo darbą atlieka ir politikos mokslininku save laikantis Vladimiras Laučius. Ką darote ponai rašytojai, neseniai dar buvę dešinieji? Negi dėl duonos kąsnio? ------------- CITATOS: "Teiginių apie tai, kad A.Kubiliaus v i e t o j e dalis partijos narių, o gal net ir pats jos patriarchas profesorius Vytautas Landsbergis, norėtų matyti I.Degutienę...

Kai "geroji fėja" pakeitė Seimo pirmininko poste "piktąjį Pinokį" Arūną Valinską, kalbos vėl atsinaujino... Prieš porą savaičių I.Degutienė viešai pareikalavo, kad ministras pirmininkas pašalintų Vyriausybės kanclerį Deividą Matulionį..."
Čyvas teisus - Grybauskaitė jau beveik laiko valdančią koaliciją ir Vyriausybę už kiaušų. Premjeras kiekvieną dieną eis ant kilimėlio gauti nurodymų. Kiekvieną dieną premjeras galės būti pakeistas, taip pat ir valdanti koalicija.
Pone Čyvai, išmokite skaičiuoti. Vyriausybėje yra 14, o ne 12 ministrų.
išspjaus kubilių, iškakos grybauskaitę. va.
CIA Crime and Narcotics Center[101] researches information on international narcotics trafficking and organized crime for policymakers and the law enforcement community. Since CIA has no domestic police authority, it sends its analytic information to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and other law enforcement organizations, such as the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the United States Department of the Treasury (OFAC).
Another part of CIA, the National Clandestine Service, collects human intelligence (HUMINT) in these areas.
Research by Dr. Alfred W. McCoy, Gary Webb, and others has pointed to CIA involvement in narcotics trafficking across the globe, although the CIA officially denies such allegations.[102][103] During the Cold War, when numerous soldiers participated in transport of Southeast Asian heroin to the United States by the airline Air America[citation needed], the CIA's role in such traffic was reportedly rationalized as "recapture" of related profits to prevent possible enemy control of such assets. Gary Webb and other researchers have reported about similar operations during Reagan's Contra War against the democratically-elected government of Nicaragua, US involvement in Afghanistan during the Cold War, and current CIA involvement with Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency, which allegedly has links to the refining of Afghan heroin in Pakistan.[citation needed]
[edit]Lying to Congress
Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi has stated that the CIA repeatedly misled the Congress since 2001 about waterboarding and other torture, though Pelosi admitted to being told about the programs.[104][105] Six members of Congress have stated that Director of CIA Leon Panetta admitted that over a period of several years since 2001 the CIA regularly deceived Congress, including affirmatively lying to Congress. These lies to Congress are similar to CIA lies to Congress from earlier periods, according to the Congressmen.[106]
[edit]Covert programs hidden from Congress
On July 10, 2009, House Intelligence subcommittee Chairwoman Representative Jan Schakowsky (D, IL) announced the termination of an unnamed CIA covert program described as "very serious" in nature which had been kept secret from Congress for eight years.[107]
"It's not as if this was an oversight and over the years it just got buried. There was a decision under several directors of the CIA and administration not to tell the Congress."
—Jan Schakowsky, Chairwoman, U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Subcommittee
CIA Director Panetta had ordered an internal investigation to determine why Congress had not been informed about the covert program. Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Representative Silvestre Reyes announced that that he is considering an investigation into alleged CIA violations of the National Security Act, which requires with limited exception that Congress be informed of covert activities. Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee Chairwoman Schakowsky indicated that she would forward a request for congressional investigation to HPSCI Chairman Silvestre Reyes.
"Director Panetta did brief us two weeks ago -- I believe it was on the 24th of June -- ... and, as had been reported, did tell us that he was told that the vice president had ordered that the program not be briefed to the Congress."
—Dianne Feinstein, Chairwoman of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
As mandated by Title 50 of the United States Code Chapter 15, Subchapter III, when it becomes necessary to limit access to covert operations findings that could affect vital interests of the US, as soon as possible the President must report at a minimum to the Gang of Eight (the leaders of each of the two parties from both the Senate and House of Representatives, and the chairs and ranking members of both the Senate Committee and House Committee for intelligence).[108] The House is expected to support the 2010 Intelligence Authorization Bill including a provision that would require the President to inform more than 40 members of Congress about covert operations. The Obama administration threatened to veto the final version of a bill that included such a provision.[109][110] On July 16, 2008 the fiscal 2009 Intelligence Authorization Bill was approved by House majority containing stipulations that 75% of money sought for covert actions would be held until all members of the House Intelligence panel were briefed on sensitive covert actions. Under the George W. Bush administration, senior advisers to the President issued a statement indicating that if a bill containing this provision reached the President, they would recommend that he veto the bill.[111]
The program was rumored vis-a-vis leaks made by anonymous government officials on July 23, to be an assassinations program,[112][113], but this remains unconfirmed.
"The whole committee was stunned....I think this is as serious as it gets."
—Anna Eshoo, Chairman, Subcommittee on Intelligence Community Management, U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI)
Allegations by Director Panetta indicate that details of a secret counterterrorism program were withheld from Congress under orders from former US Vice President Dick Cheney. This prompted Senator Feinstein and Senator Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee to insist that no one should go outside the law.[114] "The agency hasn't discussed publicly the nature of the effort, which remains classified," said agency spokesman Paul Gimigliano.[115]
Wall Street Journal reported, citing former intelligence officials familiar with the matter, that the program was an attempt to carry out a 2001 presidential authorization to capture or kill al Qaeda operatives.[116]
[edit]Intelligence Committee investigation
On July 17, 2009, The House Intelligence Committee said it was launching a formal investigation into the secret program.[117] Representative Silvestre Reyes announced the probe will look into "whether there was any past decision or direction to withhold information from the committee".
"Is giving your kid a test in school an inhibition on his free learning?” Holt said. “Sure, there are some people who are happy to let intelligence agencies go about their business unexamined. But I think most people when they think about it will say that you will get better intelligence if the intelligence agencies don’t operate in an unexamined fashion.[118]"
—Rush Holt, Chairman, House Select Intelligence Oversight Panel, Committee on Appropriations
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D, IL), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, who called for the investigation, stated that the investigation was intended to address CIA failures to inform Congress fully or accurately about four issues: C.I.A. involvement in the downing of a missionary plane mistaken for a narcotics flight in Peru in 2001, and two "matters that remain classified", as well as the rumored-assassinations question. In addition, the inquiry is likely to look at the Bush administration’s program of eavesdropping without warrants and its detention and interrogation. program[119] U.S. Intelligence Chief Dennis Blair testified before the House Intelligence Committee on February 3, 2010 that the U.S. intelligence community is prepared to kill U.S. citizens if they threaten other Americans or the United States.[120] The American Civil Liberties Union has said this policy is "particularly troubling" because U.S. citizens "retain their constitutional right to due process even when abroad." The ACLU also "expressed serious concern about the lack of public information about the policy and the potential for abuse of unchecked executive power."[
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Сергей Кургинян

REKOMENDUOJU PASKAITYTI compromat.ru/page_13842.htm
Išspjaus didelį Šė gabalą-kubiloidus:)
toks jau ten Čarlio Čapliko politinis lankstumas... nesusidorojo su pareigomis.. juk pats sakė, kad sunku.. o otkatai užsiraukė... tad motyvacijos ir neliko...:)
Jeigu ne Kirkilas, Lietuva siandiena jau butu bankrutavusi! Kubiloidiniai vagys viska isvoge ir jiems naudingiau buvo subankrotinti musu sali kad ju juodieji darbeliai neisvystu dienos sviesos. Suvarge zmones nebebutu teisybes ieskoje. O dabar kontrole kasdien randa Kubiliaus isplautus valstybes milijonus.

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