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Tik varyk greičiau ir kuo toliau- vienu nepraustaburniu bus mažiau... Svarbiausia nesigirk,kad lietuvis buvai- labai jau gėda tokį tautietį turėti..
I think that performer don't go to other country because he does not have a management or booking agent in the west that could make of him a star or sell his concert. Lithuania is a poor country with a very arrogant family of some several corrupted guys that control the Media, Arena, Theaters... of course If you are not in their "clan" so you are out of business... So SEL the best for you is to SELL your "art" to a real booking /management agency in the west.... but seems it is impossible....
nori egidukas but lordu?
ir mes ateisime y jusu koncertus,Jus saunus!
sel geriau nei lady gaga.
Kur tu bekoncertuotum,ar saleje,ar lauke,mes vistiek ateisim i tavo koncertus.Tu esi vienintelis toks atlikejas Lietuvoje!Man be galo [atinka tavo kuriniai,nors as esu ir gana brandaus amziaus.Sekmes,istvermes,Tau Egidijau!Nepalik musu!
Egiukas ir jo muzika jega!!! buckis Egiukui:*
E. Dragūnas: supratau, kad belieka susirinkti daiktus ir skristi iš Lietuvos