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Dziaugiuosi EU ir NATO Estijos Kontrazvalgyba, kuri isaiskino stambu rusu kgb snipa .

Si informacija yra skirta parodyti kokia skysta, netinkama Europai ar NATO yra Estija ir atseit, kokia galinga, viska kgb ciuptuvais apraizgiusi yra kremlin kgb chunta, kuri EU ir NATO Baltijos salis vienasaliskai priskyre …rusijos itakos zonai.

*Bet The Economist giria Estijos zvalgyba, kuri isaiskino estiska Aldrich Ames, rusu snipa, dirbusi Amerikos CZV*

_ Aldrich Hazen Ames (born May 26, 1941) is a former Central Intelligence Agency counter-intelligence officer and analyst, who, in 1994, was convicted of spying for the Soviet Union and later Russia../
Wisconsin valstijoje, 1941 m gimusi, veliau tapusi alkoholiku, Aldrich Ames 1969 m Ankara, Turkija uzverbavo komunistines organizacijos DEV- GENC aktyvistas Deniz Gezmis,… Aleksandr Ogorodnikov.
1985 m Aldrich Ames nuejo i Washington rusu ambasada ir pasisiule dirbti uz pinigus. Veliau rusai jam ismokejo 4,6 milijono doleriu iki pat 1994 metu, kuomet buvo nuteistas iki gyvos galvos.)_

Gerb. Balsas galetu is savu shaltiniu ir drauguziu paskelbti ir isvardinti kiek EU ir NATO Lietuvoje yra inkorporuotu rusu kgb agentu, pradedant nuo LT Seimo, LT Vyriausybes, nuo paks,borisov, jakunin, psych, prunskieniu, paulausk, brazausku, kirkilu, kirkilu patareju, stoniu, gazotekanu, BNS, ELTA, Lryte….

Todel EU ir NATO Estijos pavyzdys butu tik dalele surusintos Lietuvos kasdienybes.

-Ar galite paskelbti:
*-kaip Lietuvos generolai susikalba, dalyvauja Konferencijose, raso atskaitas su musu sajungininkais NATO, USA kariskiais, jei nei vienas LTgenerolas, pulkininkas laisvai neshneka angliskai o tik rusiskai?*

-*Ar jie samdo rusu kgb vertejus is rusu ambasados, tik aprengia Lietuvos karininko uniforma, t.y iteisina rusu kgb agentus Krasto apsaugoje?*

Kiek imitusiu Herman Simm yra Lietuvoje?

Demaskuotas estiskas Herman Simm butu tarsi, CIA bustineje rusams dirbes Aldrich Ames ..

Stai kaip The Economist apraso apie si isvyki:

Novemebr 6, 2008
w w w . economist. com/world/europe/displaystory.cfm?story_id=12566943

*Fog in the Baltic*

*A sensational arrest inside Estonia’s defence ministry*

FROM the published information, it hardly seems like a big deal. On September 21st Herman Simm, a middle-ranking civil servant in Estonia’s defence ministry, was arrested, along with his wife, and charged with spying for an unnamed foreign power.

Mr Simm has made no public statement and his lawyer has not responded to requests for comment. Estonian officials flatly decline to discuss the case. But it is likely to come to court next year. If convicted, Mr Simm faces a jail term of between three and 15 years.

Some of the case’s details are startling. Mr Simm was already sidelined at the time of his arrest.

But his previous job had been ultra-sensitive: he set up and ran the system for handling all classified information—including top-secret documents from Estonia’s NATO allies.

He had been responsible for handling security clearances for Estonian officials in the military, security and intelligence services.

*A foreigner who is familiar with the case talks of “a potential European equivalent of Aldrich Ames” (once Russia’s top spy in America, who for years headed a CIA counter-intelligence department and is now serving a life sentence in jail). *

That could make this the worst NATO security breach to have happened for many years.

More intrigue surrounds the mysterious disappearance, at about the time of Mr Simm’s arrest, of a contact who is an Italian-employed Spaniard.
This person is thought to have been an “illegal”: a Russian spy infiltrated into Europe via Latin America, using a carefully constructed false identity, and able to operate all round the European Union without suspicion.

Such “illegals” are the crown jewels of foreign intelligence work: their bogus identities are complex and expensive to arrange, and they usually handle only a single source.

But in what appears to have been a bad bit of espionage tradecraft by Russia’s foreign intelligence service, the SVR, this Spanish citizen contacted another highly placed source in a different NATO country and made slightly clumsy attempts to recruit him.
The subject reported the encounter, setting in train the investigation that led to Mr Simm’s arrest.
A huge damage-control operation is now under way to work out what Mr Simm knew or had tried to find out.
The security clearances he issued and denied, and any personnel moves resulting from them, are also under review.
And security officials across Europe are busily checking the elusive Spaniard’s recent movements for other clues about clandestine activities. They are also following up the paper trail that brought him such an apparently convincing identity as an EU citizen.
The affair has raised many other questions.

*The Russian media are jeering that the Baltic states are not only Western stooges, but incompetent to boot.*

_rusu propaganda isjuokia Baltijos valstybes, atseit kaip netinkamas kariniams dalykams..._

Yet the consensus in the world of shadows is not that new members of NATO such as Estonia are unreliable.

*On the contrary, Estonia’s intelligence and security services are well-regarded, which makes them a worthy target for foreign espionage.*

It was good counter-intelligence work that led to the arrest. And in most NATO countries, notes a seasoned Baltic-based spook, such scandals are usually hushed up, not prosecuted so gutsily.

pas mus tai puse valdzios dirba kgbistams
kurmiai dirba ir Lietuvoje.
musiskiai tarnautojai pinigelius lb mesta tad 100 % kad ir lietuvoje tokiu kurmiu yra..
O kiek Lietuvoje tokių? Nėra? Visi šventi ar nedirba saugumas?

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