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Gerbiu kaip politiką, daug padarė Rusijos labui, prikėlė šalį. O kad rytus matote tik iš blogos pusės ponai ''Jokios pagarbos'', tai matyt nes Vakarai tik blogąją pusę tedemonstruoja.Su komentarais alia ''putina reikia kastruoti ir kiausus uzmauti jam ant galvos,idiotui'' kelias jums į darželį.
putina reikia kastruoti ir kiausus uzmauti jam ant galvos,idiotui :)
butu linksma :)
butu linksma :)
Ziurejau kova..Viskas ten buvo super.Putinui irgi respect
Putin marks 10 years of extraordinary achievement.
Putin's Russia has floated its currency and liberalised its current and capital accounts, completing the troika required for full integration into international capital markets. In 2000, Russia's economy was ranked 22nd in the world - now it is seventh. The power of oligarchs diminished under Putin, with the growing counterweight of parliament, the rule of law and a middle class that has exploded from 8 million to 55 million. Those living in poverty fell from 30 per cent to 14 per cent under his watch.Russia is the largest geographic nation and the ninth most populous. It retains the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. Everyone on Earth has an interest in Russia's stability and prosperity. It seems likely that Putin will stand again for president in 2012, as the constitution permits. In view of his extraordinary record of achievement in office, its hard for me to see how anyone of good faith could regret his continued influence in Russia and the world.
Putin's Russia has floated its currency and liberalised its current and capital accounts, completing the troika required for full integration into international capital markets. In 2000, Russia's economy was ranked 22nd in the world - now it is seventh. The power of oligarchs diminished under Putin, with the growing counterweight of parliament, the rule of law and a middle class that has exploded from 8 million to 55 million. Those living in poverty fell from 30 per cent to 14 per cent under his watch.Russia is the largest geographic nation and the ninth most populous. It retains the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. Everyone on Earth has an interest in Russia's stability and prosperity. It seems likely that Putin will stand again for president in 2012, as the constitution permits. In view of his extraordinary record of achievement in office, its hard for me to see how anyone of good faith could regret his continued influence in Russia and the world.
Yra gi tokie idiotai kaip tu..tu kokiam amziuje gyveni? ziuriu gerai praplove tau smegenys
Ir už ką tą Putiną gerbti? Eilinis diktatorius nustekenęs savo šalį ir tiek.
Keista, kad kiti žino viską apie Rusiją tik iš blogos pusės. Na kada baigsis ta rusofobija.
jokios pagarbos rytams. visada mes matome juos su panieka ir tik blogas ju puses :)
nezinau kodel, taciau gerbiu putina. žmogus nepasiduoda kapitalizmui.
kas is to kad atsibodo, nieko tai nepakeis
Rusams atsibodo V. Putino kultas