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Atmata Ji i griezto rezimo kaleima parodys jam is kur tikejimas atsiranda :)
Cia tos religijos ir pns praaitu amziaus propogandos....
Aciu mokslui Cia musu tikejimas !
Ir nei Reuters nei AFP nemini jokių nužudytų mergaičių nuotraukų: "During police questioning, Danneels was confronted with the former head of a Belgian church-backed commission probing hundreds of reported cases of child abuse by priests.

"I cannot and do not want to say anything on the contents of this confrontation. Justice must now do its work," Peter Adriaenssens, a psychologist, told reporters after leaving the police building.

"Regarding Cardinal Danneels' state of mind, he is clearly in a state of shock," he said.

"It is very difficult for him to know that a good number of people thought that he knew and did nothing. He is surprised that such serious facts are being linked to him," Adriaenssens said."
In a related development, the Belgian justice minister, Stefaan De Clerck, has questioned the methods used in the raid on the Belgian bishops’ offices. He stressed that the prosecutors, operating independently, had the authority to make the search, but suggested that the raid was overly aggressive.
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) will soon issue new rules for the handling of sex-abuse cases, reports John Allen of the National Catholic Reporter.

The new rules will extend the statute of limitations for sex-abuse cases, and define child pornography as a “grave offense” that requires disciplinary handling by the CDF.

Citing informed Vatican officials, Allen notes that “the revisions are largely a matter of consolidating existing practice, rather than a dramatic new approach to how sex abuse cases are handled.” The new rules will give the force of canon law to procedures that the CDF has followed since 2003, when then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the prefect of the CDF, secured the approval of Pope John Paul II to institute these procedures as approved exceptions from the ordinary norms of canonical procedure. These “exceptions” will now become the norms.

The CDF may later issue new guidelines to episcopal conferences, covering the handling of sex-abuse cases, Allen reports. Those guidelines are not expected to appear soon, however.
dar baznycia skelbia dievo zodi...ir daug ju tokiu...bet vis maziau ir maziau tampama kunigais ir jais tikima...del savo kai kuriu atstovu "geru" darbu...issigimeliai,,,

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