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o tavo argumentai tikrai ne mokyklinio lygio?
-pats esi nupezes raudonsiknis. rusu fanatikas..
na, kaip mano "nemokyklinio" lygio propaganda? ;))
abu ne i tema, ir abu nupeze jankiu fanatikai, skleidziantys mokyklinio lygio propaganda
USA naikina atomines bombas o kvailaia r
USA naikina atomines bombas o kvailaia r
September 17, 2007– Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman today announced that the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) will remove nine metric tons of plutonium from further use as fissile material in U.S. nuclear weapons, signifying the Bush Administration’s ongoing commitment to nonproliferation.

Nine metric tons of plutonium is enough material to make over 1,000 nuclear weapons.

The Secretary made today’s announcement while speaking before the International Atomic Energy Agency’s annual general conference.
Neskelbiami faktai apie Rusija "ne
Neskelbiami faktai apie Rusija "ne
Papildau burlioku karo propaganda NNSA informacija.
(Amerikos nacionalinio branduolio saugumo agentura)

*Stai uteletos rusu kariaunos ivertinimas is Amerikos tasko, kuris labai skiriasi nuo surusejusios LT spaudos propagandos!*

Rusu prasigere generolai, net nesugeba, nes nesupranta kokios saugyklos turi but atominems bomboms!

*Nuo 1993 m Amerikos Nacionaline Branduolinio saugumo agentura (NNSA) isleido 1,6 milijardu USA doleriu tam, kad apsaugojus nuo vagiu, teroristu, gaisru... rusu simtus atominiu bombu, tukstancius tonu radioaktyviu medziagu sandelius!*

Tai – ¾ Rusijos turimos atsargos.

I ta skaiciu ieina 50 rusu karo laivynu baziu, 11 rusu strateginiu pajegubaziu ir virs 175 rusu branduolinio komplekso pastatu, darbai bus baigti 2008 m

*Since 1993, NNSA’s programs have spent approximately $1.6 billion in Russia to enhance security for several hundreds of nuclear warheads and hundreds of metric tons of nuclear material at approximately 75 percent of Russia’s nuclear material storage and warhead sites of concern. This includes all 50 of Russia’s Navy nuclear sites, 11 of Russia’s Strategic Rocket Forces sites and over 175 buildings within the Russian nuclear complex. Work is underway at the balance of sites and will be completed by 2008.*

Established by Congress in 2000, NNSA is a semi-autonomous agency within the U.S. Department of Energy responsible for enhancing national security through the military application of nuclear science. NNSA maintains and enhances the safety, security, reliability and performance of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile without nuclear testing; works to reduce global danger from weapons of mass destruction; provides the U.S. Navy with safe and effective nuclear propulsion; and responds to nuclear and radiological emergencies in the United States and abroad. Visit 3w. nnsa. doe. gov for more information.

NNSA Public Affairs (202) 586--7371

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