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Priesinasi Izraelis, nes Izraeliui naudinga nesudaryti taikos. Ir jokios taikos Karteriui nepavyks padaryti, nes Izraeliui tai neapsimoka. Holokaustas ir teroristai tai industrija. Kasmet Izraelis skriaudziamos valstybes pretekstu isviliodavo is Amerikos po 3 milijardus kasmet, o paskurtiniais metais netoli 10 milijardu! Ar tai negalejo sukelti krizes JAV?
Su islaminiais fanatikais ir zudikais "Hamas" reikia susitikti ne ministrui o tik kareiviams!
In the next couple of weeks in England, a 120,000 member University and College Union will be voting on an academic boycott of Israeli academic institutions and academics while a group of physicians is also planning to vote for a boycott of Israeli doctors and health care facilities. Just to be clear for those who aren’t aware, Israel’s academic institutions are a bastion of free speech with numerous academics who openly criticize Israel. Also, for those who don’t know, back in 1967, there wasn’t a single Palestinian institution of higher learning while today there are several universities and about 20 community colleges. For the physicians, they would have to note that Israeli hospitals are a model of integration with Arab and Jewish doctors working side by side on both Arab and Jewish patients. Then again, it didn’t matter that Israel has a vibrant and free press when Britain’s National Union of Journalists voted for a boycott against Israel some weeks ago. If journalists who are supposed to report the news and report objectively behave this way, why would others behave any better?
Dr. Weinberg is in a position where his decision not to visit Britain at this time garners some attention. However, he isn’t boycotting England. He’s merely choosing not to visit that country because it makes him feel quite uncomfortable.
Dr. Weinberg is in a position where his decision not to visit Britain at this time garners some attention. However, he isn’t boycotting England. He’s merely choosing not to visit that country because it makes him feel quite uncomfortable.
Izraelio ministras pasirengęs susitikti su „Hamas“