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Kurdai nori atkurti nepriklausomybe. Niekas nepalaiko....Iseina Lietuvai labai pasiseke.
Remk USA Prezidento nuomone, spausk Krem
Remk USA Prezidento nuomone, spausk Krem
Istrauka is spaudos...

"Ekstremistinė Kurdistano darbininkų partija kelia grėsmę ne tik Turkijai ir JAV, bet it Irakui, mano JAV prezidentas George W. Bush."

JAV prezidentas šią mintį išsakė telefono pokalbio su Turkijos ministru pirmininku Recep Tayyip Erdoganu metu...

Pritariu USA President G. W. Bush nuomonei del teroristines gresmes!

Reiketu, kad ir EU ir NATO Lietuvos URM isreikstu nuomone del raudonojo, musulmoniskojo terorizmo!

Tai vot, tavaPISCY!!

*Kur tik zodis “darbas, milicija, komunistai, marsizmas, leninizmas, stalinizmas, socializmas”- ten tuoj rusiski kalasnikov, bombos, kraujas, lavonu kruvos, kalejimai….*

_Kodel Lietuvos spauda samoningai nutyli fakta, kad kurdistan PKK nuri isteigti *SOCIALISTINI(!)*... kurdistana, kuris suprantama bus tampriai susijes su Kremlin rezimu?!_

As esu isitikines, kad “susemus” tuos kurdistano “proletaryjata” vadeivas, nesunkiai susikalbetumei rusiskai!

PKK uzsiima:
-demonstraciju, riausiu organizavimu,
-zmoniu grobimais,
-sabotazu, diversijomis,
-bombu sprogdinimais,
-atakuoja civilius, mazus karinius objektus ,
zmoniu, narkotiku prekyba…

…. nu kaip tik tai, ko taip reikia teroristui Nr 1 kremlinputkin!

*Primenu, kad nuo 2004 m kovo menesio Lietuva, kaip ir strateginis partneris USA,- yra NATO nares, t.y. sajungininkai!*

Tie, kurie juodina USA, USA Prezidenta aiskiai issiduoda, kad jie yra EU ir NATO Lietuvos svetimkuniai, kremlin sebrai!

Ko jie dar trinasi.... mautu i rusiskus portalus ir rusiskai lotu iki uzkimimo!

Todel as protestuoju, pries antiamerikoniskus ispuolius siame "komentaru" skyriuje!

*Svetimkuniai, Rusu ambasados ideologiniai diversantai, zudanciai Kremlin propagandai skleisti, nusikalstamai panaudoja "komentaru" skyriu...* - tai aiskiai matyti is pirmuju Delfi pysariu rasliavos!

Siulau Wikipedia straipsnio pradzia.

The Kurdistan Workers Party (Kurdish: Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan or PKK Turkish: also called KADEK, Kongra-Gel, and KCK) is a militant group founded in the 1970s and led by Abdullah Öcalan until his capture in 1999.

The PKK's ideology was founded on revolutionary Marxism-Leninism and Kurdish nationalism.

The PKK's goal has been to create an independent *socialist (!)* Kurdish state in Kurdistan, an area that comprises parts of south-eastern Turkey, north-eastern Iraq, north-eastern Syria and north-western Iran; where the Kurdish population is in the majority.

These states oppose any such change.[4][5] PKK has been labelled an ethnic secessionist organization that uses force and the threat of force against both civilian[6] and military targets for the purpose of achieving its political goal.

The PKK is listed as a terrorist organization internationally by a number of states and organizations, including the United States, NATO and the European Union.[1][3]

More than 37,000 people have been killed in the Turkey-PKK conflict since 1984. [7]

Eric Rouleau, in the November/December 2000 edition of 'Foreign Affairs', states:
"According to the Turkish Ministry of Justice, in addition to the 35,000 people killed in military campaigns, 17,500 were assassinated between 1984, when the conflict began, and 1998. An additional 1,000 people were reportedly assassinated in the first nine months of 1999.

According to the Turkish press, the authors of these crimes, none of whom have been arrested, belong to groups of mercenaries working either directly or indirectly for the security agencies".[56][57]
In the late 1980s and early 1990s, in an effort to win increased support from the Kurdish peasantry, the PKK altered its leftist secular ideology to better accommodate and accept Islamic beliefs.

The group also abandoned its previous strategy of attacking Kurdish civilians, focusing instead on government and tourist targets.[58…..

PKK- teroristine orgnizacija
PKK- teroristine orgnizacija
Kodel nutylimos esmines detales ir uzjauciami kurdu teroristai?

BBC straipsnis.

Turkish forces have killed hundreds of Kurdish rebels and struck more than 200 targets in northern Iraq in the past 10 days, the Turkish military has said.

Up to 175 rebels were killed on 16 December alone, the military statement added. More cross-border air raids were reported on Tuesday.

There has been no word on casualty figures from the Iraqi authorities.
Turkey blames rebels from the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) for launching attacks on Turkey from bases in Iraq.

Ankara approved cross-border raids on PKK bases in October, saying the Iraqi government and its US backers were not doing enough to halt attacks.

Turkey launched its first cross-border raid on 16 December, which was followed by an incursion by ground forces.
Another offensive was launched on 22 December, with warplanes bombing suspected rebel targets.

Targets hit include three command centres, two communications centres, two training camps, nine logistical areas, 182 living quarters and 14 arsenals, the statement said.
On Monday, the president of the Kurdish region of northern Iraq, Massoud Barzani, condemned Turkey's raids and warned Ankara to stop the strikes.

The US, meanwhile, backs Turkish operations against the PKK and has agreed to share intelligence with Ankara.
The PKK - which is designated a terrorist organisation by Turkey, the US, and the EU - is thought to have about 3,000 rebels based in Iraq.

For decades, it has been fighting for a Kurdish homeland separate from Turkey.

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