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ka cia par paistalus skleidzi ? ciai gi straipsnis ne apie valstybes ekonomika o apie jos pamisusio vadovo isakyma ruostis karui su Kolumbija :D Pati Kolumbija yra didziausiai pasaulyje norkotiku gamintoja kurios platina su JAV vadzios pagalba :D Kolumbijoje nieko nesiskere nuo Venuselos ten irgi sausros , diktaturine valdzai kuri laizo batus Obamai bei narkotiku kartelaims , Venuseala bent naftos turi . O apie Rusija nustok tauskais vejus ji nepuls jokios nei Estijos , nei Lietuvos neturi tam galimybiu nedel to kad yra Nato bet todel kad tai neapsimoka daryti dabar kol neturi nei Ukrajinos, Kazachastano bei kitu vidurio Azijos valstybiu beto Nato niekada o tuo labiau JAV negintu Lietuvos nera jokio tikslo jiems to daryti , vienintelai kurie yra suinteresuoti mus ginti ES o Rusinjai nera tolko pulti ji dar kokius ~10-15 metu SSRS sienu nebus pasiruosusi atgaivinti priedo kai Rytuose atsigauna Azija kuri pradeda gresminga politika naudoti ten Rusijai daug idomiau ir svarbiau savo sienas itvirtinti
Is Alfa:
Ka nutylejo rusu kgb priedangos firma BNS/ELTA?
Daug ka:
-kad Venezueloje sausra (bus iki kovo menesio),
-nuseko upes, t.y. silpnai veikia hidro elektrines, truksta el. energijos, neveikia vandentiekis ir kanalizacija
- nera geriamo vandens, ji atveza sunkvezmiais, kai kur pardavineja po 4 dolerius uz galona (1 ltr=1 doleris) ,
-Venezuelos sostine Caracas smirdi kai ismatu duobe,
-kad didziulis nusikalstamumas, desimtys tukstanciu zmogzudysciu..
*Tai, kad Kremlin sebras H. Chavez jau dislokavo 15 tukstanciu Venezuelos kareivu prie Kolumbijos sienos. t.y. rengiasi uzpulti Kolumbia.
Ivykiai labai primena 2008 m Kremlin vadeivu rengta Gruzijos okupacija:
1.propagandinis paruosimas,
2. provokacijos ir pretekstai,
Kai matote, BNS/ELTA yra rusu propagandos masina Schengen erdveje o to negali buti!
Chavez klastingai apkaltino, esa Kolumbia transportuoja narkotikus o atseit, Venezuela juos gaudo, t.y. "didinina sauguma"..
-Blefas! Yra priesingai:
..ir netrukus po to, Chavez uzbliove, atseit "karo vejas sklando po Lotynu Amerika", tik nepasake, kad ta veja pucia kremlin ir Venezuela!
** Venezuelos (kartu su Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivija, Kolumbijos dziunglese esanti nelegali komunistine revoliucine narko mafija FARC, eksportuoja narkotikus ir naudoja kaip ginkla pries Amerika o be to, iesko preteksto ir nori sukelti kara pre Kolumbia
- o Kolumbijas valdzia ir esantys 800 Amerikos kariskiai juos gaudo,(Amerika siemet su tinklais ir harpunais (!) sugavo 3 povandenius laivus, (plastmasinius-juos ypac sunku susekti, dizelinius-elektrinius, 20 metru ilgio, 4 zmoniu igula, 3000 km veikimo nuotolis), kuriuose buvo po 10 tonu kokaino, kuriu verte milijardai doleriu...
Apie tai rusu kgb priedangos firma BNS/ELTA tylejo, nieko nesake Lietuvai, nes tai vel kitas "kremlin traueras"..
- ***sustabdzius narkotiku srauta, tuo paciu bus sustabtas ir komunizmo eksportas!
Stai kur yra H. Chavez ir Kremlin neapykanta Kolumbijai:
-***Kolumbija su Amerikos kariais stabdo komunizmo kempinlige Centrine Amerika!
Prisiminkite, kad Kremlin vadeivos kisasi ir didina itampa Lotynu Amerikoje:
- ne karta trynesi marksistineje, ubagiskoje Venezueloje ir ja ruosia karui pries Kolumbia,
- i Venezuela uz dyka (!) atveze 100 tukst rusisku "aftamat kaliosnikov"
-ir dar uz 3 milijardus doleriu taku, lektuvu, (juos aptaraus rusu intruktoriai, technikai, vertejai).
Kodel Kremlin ir jo sebrams nepatinka vakarietiska (amerkoniska) Kolumbia (angl.Columbia)?
Tai kad 2009 liepos menesi Kolumbijos Prezidentas Alvaro Uribe su Amerika pasirase 10 metu plana:
-Kolumbijoje bus toks pat (kaip ir nuo 1999 metu) Amerikos kariu skaicius (800), "antinartokiku plano" specialistu keliose bazese,
-Amerikos zvalgybiniai lektuvai, laivai tures teise naudotis Kolumbijos erdve ir 4 uostais.
Linkiu sekmes Kolumbijai ir Amerikai, kad jie sustabdytu "paketa":
- Chavez,
- komunizm kempinlige
ir narkotikai"
Ka nutylejo rusu kgb priedangos firma BNS/ELTA?
Daug ka:
-kad Venezueloje sausra (bus iki kovo menesio),
-nuseko upes, t.y. silpnai veikia hidro elektrines, truksta el. energijos, neveikia vandentiekis ir kanalizacija
- nera geriamo vandens, ji atveza sunkvezmiais, kai kur pardavineja po 4 dolerius uz galona (1 ltr=1 doleris) ,
-Venezuelos sostine Caracas smirdi kai ismatu duobe,
-kad didziulis nusikalstamumas, desimtys tukstanciu zmogzudysciu..
*Tai, kad Kremlin sebras H. Chavez jau dislokavo 15 tukstanciu Venezuelos kareivu prie Kolumbijos sienos. t.y. rengiasi uzpulti Kolumbia.
Ivykiai labai primena 2008 m Kremlin vadeivu rengta Gruzijos okupacija:
1.propagandinis paruosimas,
2. provokacijos ir pretekstai,
Kai matote, BNS/ELTA yra rusu propagandos masina Schengen erdveje o to negali buti!
Chavez klastingai apkaltino, esa Kolumbia transportuoja narkotikus o atseit, Venezuela juos gaudo, t.y. "didinina sauguma"..
-Blefas! Yra priesingai:
..ir netrukus po to, Chavez uzbliove, atseit "karo vejas sklando po Lotynu Amerika", tik nepasake, kad ta veja pucia kremlin ir Venezuela!
** Venezuelos (kartu su Mexico, Ecuador, Bolivija, Kolumbijos dziunglese esanti nelegali komunistine revoliucine narko mafija FARC, eksportuoja narkotikus ir naudoja kaip ginkla pries Amerika o be to, iesko preteksto ir nori sukelti kara pre Kolumbia
- o Kolumbijas valdzia ir esantys 800 Amerikos kariskiai juos gaudo,(Amerika siemet su tinklais ir harpunais (!) sugavo 3 povandenius laivus, (plastmasinius-juos ypac sunku susekti, dizelinius-elektrinius, 20 metru ilgio, 4 zmoniu igula, 3000 km veikimo nuotolis), kuriuose buvo po 10 tonu kokaino, kuriu verte milijardai doleriu...
Apie tai rusu kgb priedangos firma BNS/ELTA tylejo, nieko nesake Lietuvai, nes tai vel kitas "kremlin traueras"..
- ***sustabdzius narkotiku srauta, tuo paciu bus sustabtas ir komunizmo eksportas!
Stai kur yra H. Chavez ir Kremlin neapykanta Kolumbijai:
-***Kolumbija su Amerikos kariais stabdo komunizmo kempinlige Centrine Amerika!
Prisiminkite, kad Kremlin vadeivos kisasi ir didina itampa Lotynu Amerikoje:
- ne karta trynesi marksistineje, ubagiskoje Venezueloje ir ja ruosia karui pries Kolumbia,
- i Venezuela uz dyka (!) atveze 100 tukst rusisku "aftamat kaliosnikov"
-ir dar uz 3 milijardus doleriu taku, lektuvu, (juos aptaraus rusu intruktoriai, technikai, vertejai).
Kodel Kremlin ir jo sebrams nepatinka vakarietiska (amerkoniska) Kolumbia (angl.Columbia)?
Tai kad 2009 liepos menesi Kolumbijos Prezidentas Alvaro Uribe su Amerika pasirase 10 metu plana:
-Kolumbijoje bus toks pat (kaip ir nuo 1999 metu) Amerikos kariu skaicius (800), "antinartokiku plano" specialistu keliose bazese,
-Amerikos zvalgybiniai lektuvai, laivai tures teise naudotis Kolumbijos erdve ir 4 uostais.
Linkiu sekmes Kolumbijai ir Amerikai, kad jie sustabdytu "paketa":
- Chavez,
- komunizm kempinlige
ir narkotikai"
Ties between Colombia and Venezuela have been frozen since July when Bogota said it would let the US army use its military bases for anti-drugs operations
When news of the deal first broke in August, Mr Chavez warned that "winds of war" were blowing across the continent.
Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has left for a tour of South American nations concerned about plans to boost the US military presence in Colombia.
He travels first to Peru and will also stop in Brazil and Chile, which have expressed alarm at plans to relocate US anti-drug forces to Colombia.
Bogota relies on Washington's support in the fight against drug traffickers and left-wing rebels.
The US-Colombian deal is expected to be signed later this month.
Mr Uribe, accompanied by Colombian Foreign Minister Jaime Bermudez, will also visit Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.
The Colombian leader will not visit neighbouring Venezuela and Ecuador, which have protested most strongly against the planned US deployments.
*Diplomatic offensive
During the tour, Mr Uribe's central message will be that the US presence does not threaten any other nation and that any other nation and that the war on drugs and terrorism benefit everyone, the BBC's Jeremy McDermott in Colombia says.
He says that while the final details of the document have yet to be published, it seems a 10-year agreement will be signed allowing US troops, aircraft and naval vessels access to at least four Colombian bases.
However, there is very little practical change to the US presence in Colombia, which has been a fact of life since 1999 and the launch of the US anti-narcotics strategy known as Plan Colombia, our correspondent says.
There is no change to the number of troops that can be stationed in the country: a maximum of 800 soldiers and 600 defence contractors.
Washington's main base was, until 17 July, at Manta in Ecuador but US troops were asked to leave by President Rafael Correa after the lease expired and was not renewed.
When news of the deal first broke in August, Mr Chavez warned that "winds of war" were blowing across the continent.
Colombian President Alvaro Uribe has left for a tour of South American nations concerned about plans to boost the US military presence in Colombia.
He travels first to Peru and will also stop in Brazil and Chile, which have expressed alarm at plans to relocate US anti-drug forces to Colombia.
Bogota relies on Washington's support in the fight against drug traffickers and left-wing rebels.
The US-Colombian deal is expected to be signed later this month.
Mr Uribe, accompanied by Colombian Foreign Minister Jaime Bermudez, will also visit Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.
The Colombian leader will not visit neighbouring Venezuela and Ecuador, which have protested most strongly against the planned US deployments.
*Diplomatic offensive
During the tour, Mr Uribe's central message will be that the US presence does not threaten any other nation and that any other nation and that the war on drugs and terrorism benefit everyone, the BBC's Jeremy McDermott in Colombia says.
He says that while the final details of the document have yet to be published, it seems a 10-year agreement will be signed allowing US troops, aircraft and naval vessels access to at least four Colombian bases.
However, there is very little practical change to the US presence in Colombia, which has been a fact of life since 1999 and the launch of the US anti-narcotics strategy known as Plan Colombia, our correspondent says.
There is no change to the number of troops that can be stationed in the country: a maximum of 800 soldiers and 600 defence contractors.
Washington's main base was, until 17 July, at Manta in Ecuador but US troops were asked to leave by President Rafael Correa after the lease expired and was not renewed.
sitas pacanas kietas gi jei padengs kokaino laukus Kolumbijoje su savo armija ji gi pakaks tie kolumbijos narkotiku stumdytojai :D Vistiek kad ir kaip jis stengtusi jis niekad neprilygs Sirijos diktatoriu va ten tai bicas rimtai apsestas kazko yra , su galva neviskas namie :D
Kam tų karų reikia..
Dar vienas idiotas chavezas kaip ir putinas. Tinka jie vienas kitam.
H. Chavezas rengiasi karui su Kolumbija