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žydai ginasi, ir tiek. Nepavydėtina padėtis. Tai jų nupirktos žemės, tai jų valstybė. Kodėl jie turi leisti, kad juos ištisai terorizuotų arabai.
Ko toks bukas, kaip ir visi cia rasinejantys pacaneliai.? Izraelyje gyvena keli milijonai arabu. Negevo dykumos beduinai skaitomi labai geri Izraelio armijos kariai. Patys klajokliai (paties ir kitu rasanciuju makaulelems nesuprantamas zodis "beduinas") dideli Izraelio patriotai. Bego tie, kurie su ginklais zude zydu naujakurius per visus arabu puldinejimus. Tokiems bukiems, kaip pats, sunkiai suvokiama. Mokykla reikia lankyti, o ne bambalius maukti ir badytis.
Ar keli milijonai palestiniečių buvo Izraelio išvaryti iš Palestinos be teisės ten sugrįžti, ar jie išvyko savo noru?
Tu ka? Zolytes prisirukes? Ar ko stipresnio susileides? Kad krasta valdyti turi mandata britai, tas nereiskia, kad nebera zemes savininku. 1915 m, 1941 m. Lietuva buvo okupave vokieciai. Ar jie is visu valstieciu ateme zeme?
"The land of Israel is really the land of Palestine."

The term "Palestine" is believed to be derived from the Philistines, an Aegean people who, in the 12th Century B.C., settled along the Mediterranean coastal plain of what is now Israel and the Gaza Strip. In the second century A.D., after crushing the last Jewish revolt, the Romans first applied the name Palaestina to Judea (the southern portion of what is now called the West Bank) in an attempt to minimize Jewish identification with the land of Israel. The Arabic word "Filastin" is derived from this Latin name.3 There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct Palestinian culture. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention), Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc.

"The Jews have no historic claim to Israel."

There is only one people who have continuously lived in Israel for the past 3,700 years - the Jews. Jerusalem, in particular, has had a Jewish majority since the 1840s, 40 years prior to the beginnings of Zionism. Seventy-five percent of the land in east Jerusalem, which the press calls "historically Arab east Jerusalem," has been owned by Jews since 1947. The nations that inhabited the land prior to the Jews are no longer in existence, for they have been absorbed into various other peoples throughout the millennia. The Arabs of Israel only came to the land in 632 with the Muslim invasion
"zydu judejimas pradejo ispirkineti is arabu Palestinos dykumu zemes ir zydai pradejo gryzti i Palestina, tada valdoma britu."

Taigi taigi. 1948 Palestiną valdė britai. Bet žydų judėjimas žemę pirko iš arabų, ar ne?
Proto bokste su dvieju skyriu ir pusantro koridoriaus issimokslinimu. Palestina yra zydu daug tukstanciu metu gyventas krastas. Net ir uzpludus arabams, kurie septintame amziuje prieme naujaja musulmonu tikyba, dalis zydu gyveno iki dvidesimtojo amziaus Palestinoje, kada tarptautinis zydu judejimas pradejo ispirkineti is arabu Palestinos dykumu zemes ir zydai pradejo gryzti i Palestina, tada valdoma britu. 1948 m. paskelbiant Palestinoje zydu ir arabu atskiras valstybes, zydu buvo 400 000. Jie atsilaike pries ginkluotu musulmonu lavina.
Linkiu padvėsti žudikams.
pries pasisakydami uz zydus nors truputi pasidomekite geopolitine istorija,- ,kaip ,kur ir kokiu budu zydai atsirado Izraelyje,ir kas 1948m pradejo konfliktus su muslimais.
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