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tautos genocidas.Tai likimas tautos,mažos tautos,kuriai valią primeta valdanti tauta.Mažos tautos kelias vienas-išnykimas. Valdančioji tauta pamynė bet kokį žmogiškumą mažosios tautos atžvilgiu.O kiek tautų totaliai traiškė raudonojo fašizmo batas.Neabejoju-tai bus pasmerkta pasaulio.
fašizmas-tai ašis ant kurios ir sukasi Čečėnijos tautos tragedija-genocidas.
Vengrai daugumoj ne prie ko- pas juos i valdzia (ir EP tuo paciu) sekmingai prasimuse buve komunistai. Scenarijus iki skausmo zinomas (Lietuvoj analogija - LSDP). Vengro pasakojimas:
In 1989/90, when the heroic 'proletarian' leaders of my
mutilated country saw that they will have to give up power one way or the other, they
devised a plan to save as much as possible, even better, even win on the situation.
A democratic election followed, and MDF (the
Hungarian Democratic Forum) won. They wanted to remain bloodless, and didn't cut the
heads off of the former communist 'elite' (unlike in 1956 when the secret police
collaborators were hanging from the trees).
A new term was introduced to the language: the 'parachuters' - former party darlings who
suddenly 'landed' in leading position - hence the term parachuter, who also land various
The result today is that they dominate the media (almost 100%), and as a result of this,
they have won the past two elections (and one or two in-between). "They" are the former
communists, who now call themselves "socialists" and "liberals". To be precise, they
called themselves socialists even before the 'bloodless revolution'. They proudly continue the heritage, and have of course gained a lot of EP seats as well.
The EP member's conduct is not surprising at all if you know what they do in Hungary.
Of course, during the 40+ years of their regime, they have bread a special breed of
people, who were brainwashed, whose parents never taught them to think straight because
of fear of the ÁVÓ (the secret police), who rejoice the memory of the good old days when
everybody could get a Trabant if he waited patiently for 5 years, or even a Lada (8
years?), and a kg of bread only cost 3 HUF (equals LTL 0.05). These, the payed off gypsies
(approx. 6% of the population), and young people who don't remember what it was like back
in the old days, those who caved in, and became a part of the system, and are pretty
useless today, as their former positions were based on their faithfulness to the Party,
and not actual merit, etc etc vote them back to power today.
Now, does it surprise you that a representative for these voters would protect the good
reputation of the very system they praise?
In 1989/90, when the heroic 'proletarian' leaders of my
mutilated country saw that they will have to give up power one way or the other, they
devised a plan to save as much as possible, even better, even win on the situation.
A democratic election followed, and MDF (the
Hungarian Democratic Forum) won. They wanted to remain bloodless, and didn't cut the
heads off of the former communist 'elite' (unlike in 1956 when the secret police
collaborators were hanging from the trees).
A new term was introduced to the language: the 'parachuters' - former party darlings who
suddenly 'landed' in leading position - hence the term parachuter, who also land various
The result today is that they dominate the media (almost 100%), and as a result of this,
they have won the past two elections (and one or two in-between). "They" are the former
communists, who now call themselves "socialists" and "liberals". To be precise, they
called themselves socialists even before the 'bloodless revolution'. They proudly continue the heritage, and have of course gained a lot of EP seats as well.
The EP member's conduct is not surprising at all if you know what they do in Hungary.
Of course, during the 40+ years of their regime, they have bread a special breed of
people, who were brainwashed, whose parents never taught them to think straight because
of fear of the ÁVÓ (the secret police), who rejoice the memory of the good old days when
everybody could get a Trabant if he waited patiently for 5 years, or even a Lada (8
years?), and a kg of bread only cost 3 HUF (equals LTL 0.05). These, the payed off gypsies
(approx. 6% of the population), and young people who don't remember what it was like back
in the old days, those who caved in, and became a part of the system, and are pretty
useless today, as their former positions were based on their faithfulness to the Party,
and not actual merit, etc etc vote them back to power today.
Now, does it surprise you that a representative for these voters would protect the good
reputation of the very system they praise?
Pridusęs tas Biurselis, prorusiškas dvokas iš jo eina, socialistinio internacionalo kazarmomis atsiduoda... komisarais...
Reikėtų surengti parodą, kaip čečėnai kapojo galvas anglams, lenkams, rusams, kaip kankino kitus europiečius atvežusius humanitarinę paramą...
"rusų nusikaltimus Čečėnijoje" -- nusikaltimus daro visai ne rusai, bet a) nusikaltėliai, ir b) Balso redaktorius, kuris iš esmės kursto tautinę nesantaiką. Už tautinės nesantaikos kurstymą taikoma baudžiamoji atsakomybė.
Malonu, kad sutariame.
vv: Sutinku.Čia jūs teisus.Niekšybės pateisinti niekada negalima.
Turi teisę gyventi, bet vaikų žudyti neturi teisės. Nereikia būti vergu, bet nereikia išvirsti niekšu. Kaip kai kada išvirsdavo ir mūsų tautiečiai.
Ne,p."vv". Ne-čečėnai tikrai ne avinėliai-o žmonės.Žmonės.Ir todėl turi TEISĘ GYVENTI. Gyventi nepriklausomi nuo svetimųjų. Taip,tas jiems primestas karas gerokai paveikė juos .Ir ne visada iš geros pusės.Bet jau kuo kuo,o vergais,baudžiauninkais čečėnus tikrai nepavadinsi.Kaip daug ką iš mūsų tautiečių...
Europos parlamentas išsigando V. Landsbergio surengtos fotoparodos