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2009-05-07 08:24:29
Gerbiamieji pasidomėkit kas yra GENOCIDAS, prieš rašant nesąmones. Sovietai NIEKADA NEVYKDĖ GENOCIDO.

laba diena, ar tikrai.
2009-05-08 10:17:00
to: aš
2009-05-07 08:24:29

pats pasidomek istorija, kaip tai sssr nevykde genocido? kaip del armenu?
pajieskai viena zodi gavai Ž atrasi ir daugiau.

SSSR vykdė genocidą prieš armėnus, ar nevykdė? nes gerbiamas pradedat jau nusišnekėt.
to: aš
i skaicius pasiziurek :) jei dede su praplikusia galva nepasake, kad tai genocidas tai dar nereiskia, kad jo nebuvo. WII karui viekieciu kareiviai buvo siunciami pas rusus mokintis, kaip vykdyti genocida ir kokias priemones nauodoti, ten igavo didele patirti.
toliau info pasiskaityk.

Probably 61,911,000 people, 54,769,000 of them citizens, have been murdered by the Communist Party--the government--of the Soviet Union. This is about 178 people for each letter, comma, period, digit, and other characters in this book.

Old and young, healthy and sick, men and women, and even infants and infirm, were killed in cold-blood. They were not combatants in civil war or rebellions, they were not criminals. Indeed, nearly all were guilty of ... nothing.

Some were from the wrong class--bourgeoisie, land owners, aristocrats, kulaks. Some were from the wrong nation or race-- Ukrainians, Black Sea Greeks, Kalmyks, Volga Germans. Some were from the wrong political faction--Trotskyites, Mensheviks, Social Revolutionaries. Or some were just their sons and daughters, wives and husbands, or mothers and fathers. And some were those occupied by the Red Army--Balts, Germans, Poles, Hungarians, Rumanians. Then some were simply in the way of social progress, like the mass of peasants or religious believers. Or some were eliminated because of their potential opposition, such as writers, teachers, churchmen; or the military high command; or even high and low Communist Party members themselves.

In fact, we have witnessed in the Soviet Union a true egalitarian social cleansing and flushing: no group or class escaped, for everyone and anyone could have had counter-revolutionary ancestors, class lineage, counter-revolutionary ideas or thought, or be susceptible to them. And thus, almost anyone was arrested, interrogated, tortured, and after a forced confession of a plot to blow up the Kremlin, or some such, shot or sentenced to the dry guillotine--slow death by exposure, malnutrition, and overwork in a forced labor camp.

Part of this mass killing was genocide, as in the wholesale murder of hundreds of thousands of Don Cossacks in 1919,1 the intentional starving of about 5,000,000 Ukrainian peasants to death in 1932-33,2 or the deportation to mass death of 50,000 to 60,000 Estonians in 1949.3 Part was mass murder, as of the wholesale extermination of perhaps 6,500,000 "kulaks" (in effect, the better off peasants and those resisting collectivization) from 1930 to 1937,4 the execution of perhaps a million Party members in the Great Terror of 1937-38,5 and the massacre of all Trotskyites in the forced labor camps.6
to: aš
2009-05-07 08:24:29

pats pasidomek istorija, kaip tai sssr nevykde genocido? kaip del armenu?
pajieskai viena zodi gavai Ž atrasi ir daugiau.
ka ji cia peza, gal ten komunistini rezima ne patys vokieciia ivede? t.y. propogavo.
Gerbiamieji pasidomėkit kas yra GENOCIDAS, prieš rašant nesąmones. Sovietai NIEKADA NEVYKDĖ GENOCIDO. JŲ NUSIKALTIMI YRA NUSIKALTIMAI ŽMOGIŠKUMUI, O NE GENOCIDAS. GENOCIDĄ VYKDĖ NACIAI, T.Y. HOLOKOSTAS. Domėkites istorija, skaitykite knygas, ir nerašinėkit nesąmonių.
tiktai reikia nepamirsti kad hitleris ne be rusu bolseviku pagalbos iskilo, taip pat kad gestapo valdzia pas rusus vazinejo mokytis kaip reikia genocida vykdyti ir kad sovietinio genocido mastai ir "subtilumas" pralenke nacius daug daug kartu
Yra dėl ko pult. Tokių žvėriškų nusikaltimų ir genocido pasaulis dar nebuvo matęs. Tikrai yra dėl ko atsiprašinėt, ir atsiprašinės kol Vokietija egzistuos.
> aš 2009-05-06 17:37:22
tik nereikia. vokiečiai iki šiol kiekviena proga atsiprašinėja žydų ir puola į isteriją, pamatę svastiką.

balsas.lt vertėjams: "Ypatumas,ypatumai" rašoma su "Y".
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