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jokios gal tawo kompas nepanesa tos svetaines dunduke
tas kuris pries tave rase is mano geriau nei tu :) karo lemtis buvo 100% aiski jau seniau
baisi tragedija buvo. o tam kuris pries mane rase reiktu pasiskaityti istorija ar kanors nes nieko nezino...
karas jau buvo kaip ir pasibaiges, o jie numete.
tai tik galios parodymas ir savotiska SSRS baime (perspejimas SSRS)
Mano buvo galima rasti ir kita iseiti.
Istikro labai gaila tu nekaltu zmoniu,bet manau labiausiai kalti japonu tuometine valdzia,kuri ir isprovokavo toki susidorojima.
ant taikiu saliu nemete amerika atominiu bombu, o japonai buvo ypac agresyvi salis, reiktu idet straipsni kita apie ju ziaurumus Kinijoje,nezabota sadizma taikiu gyventoju atzvilgiu, buvo Perl Harboras pries tai... Kalti del hirosimos tragedijos visu pirma japonu imperatorius ir kt vadai.
Reikia paspausti nuorodą.

Beje, vieną iš ten rastų komentarų reikėtų perskaityti kaip vaistą nuo nemotyvuotos neapykantos (čia kai kuriems būsimiems komentatoriams):

404.My paternal grandfather was sent to Japan as part of the occupation forces shortly after the bombs were dropped (after serving in SE Asia). For the rest of his life, he had pretty severe mental health problems and shook incessantly. My father and uncle once found photos he had taken of Nagasaki (where he was posted) under the house and my grandfather flew into a rage such as they had never seen before. He destroyed the worst ones (my father said that they were of burnt corpses etc) but many of those that he left are terrible enough. They show a completely flattened city. Whilst the rest of my grandparents generation hated the Japanese, especially those who did not fight, my grandfather did not. I think this is because he actually got to see ordinary Japanese people.
nuotraukos nerodo dundukai.

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