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nesugalvosi,kad šis projektas būtų 3-5 kartus brangesnis nei tiesiant sausuma ir net panaudojant atskiras esamas vamzdynų dalis.Rusai niekada nesuprato ekonomikos,o gal ir nenorėjo suprasti.Sumažėjus išplaunamų pinigų kiekiui Čečėnijos kare, tai naujas būsimas išplaunamų pinigų šaltinis .Kažkas tuo labai suinteresuotas,nes tiesiant sausuma šis projektas žymiai pigesnis.
Sweden raises a new hurdle for German-Russian pipeline
By Judy Dempsey
Tuesday, November 6, 2007 International Herald Tribune
BERLIN: Fresh opposition emerged to the German-Russian project to build a natural gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea, as Swedish officials said Tuesday they had requested alternate routes to avoid damage to the environment.
The request, made last week in Oslo during a meeting of representatives of the other five countries affected by the pipeline - Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany and Russia - represented yet another blow to the Nord Stream consortium, which is already facing delays in obtaining construction permits for the project.
It follows a resolution last week by the European Parliament, which urged EU governments and the European Commission not to approve any new, large investments in infrastructure until a complete assessment of the environmental impact had been carried out.
In Poland, which has taken a particularly harsh stance against the pipeline, the prime minister designate, Donald Tusk, said he wanted the €6 billion, or $8.7 billion, project halted completely. Poland has accused Germany and Russia of undermining the security and national interests of Warsaw and the Baltic States.
"This initiative, this project, has not been prepared well," Tusk said at a news conference Tuesday. "I hope and I hear some signals that in the nearest future the sponsors of the project would be ready to seriously correct it."
But in Moscow, President Vladimir Putin, who along with the former German chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, has been at the helm of the project from the start, clinched a deal Tuesday with Gasunie, the Dutch energy infrastructure company. Gasunie becomes the fourth partner in Nord Stream, joining the German companies Wintershall and E.ON Ruhrgas, and Gazprom, the state-owned Russian energy monopoly.
Under the terms of the deal signed by Putin and Jan Peter Balkenende, the Dutch prime minister, Gasunie will take a 9 percent stake in Nord Stream while the two German companies will each reduce their stakes to 20 percent. Gazprom will retain its 51 percent stake.
By joining the consortium, Gasunie will allow Gazprom to strengthen its foothold in Europe. The Russian giant has the option of acquiring from Gasunie a 9 percent stake in the Balgzand-Bacton pipeline, which connects the Gasunie grid with Britain - a market Gazprom has recently entered and where it is rapidly expanding. Natural gas from Russia will be transported to Britain through this pipeline.
"Gasunie's participation as a fourth partner underlines the broad European scope of this important infrastructure project," said Marcel Kramer, chairman and chief executive of Gasunie.
Nord Stream officials said they also hoped the inclusion of Gasunie would dispel fears by Poland and the Baltic States that it was an exclusively German-Russian project designed to dominate the region's energy sector.
Despite the celebrations in Moscow, the consortium still has to obtain construction permits for the pipeline. In Sweden, where the government has taken a tough stance on environmental issues, officials there said Nord Stream had failed to present alternative routes.
"We are still waiting for Nord Stream to present us with the environmental impact assessment," said Sten Jerdenius, who is involved in the negotiations at Sweden's Environment Ministry. "But we are also asking for an environmental impact assessment that should include descriptions of alternative main routes in the Baltic Sea. We have to be able to compare routes."
So far, none of the other countries affected by the pipeline have issued permits either; they are awaiting the final opinion from the UN Espoo Convention, which assesses the environmental impact of projects involving several countries.
Andreas Carlgren, Sweden's environment minister, said last week in Oslo that Nord Stream had chosen a route that would pass through a number of areas containing mines and chemical weapons that the Soviet Union dumped after World War II. The route would also continue along designated special protection areas under the EU's Natura network.
Nord Stream had hoped to obtain permits by the end of this year or next spring at the latest. But given the necessity for public hearings over the environment and objections by countries bordering the Baltic Sea, Jens Müller, a spokesman for Nord Stream, said Tuesday that "we hope to have all the permits by the spring of 2009."
He insisted the company would still be able to complete the first phase of construction by 2010, when about 27.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas, or 971 million cubic feet, are expected to be sent. The second phase could be completed a year later, Müller said.
According to Sergei Serdyukov, Nord Stream's technical director, construction of the offshore link would be delayed by six months, to July 2009.
tai as tik ir laukiu kad ruskeliai tiestu dujotaki per Lietuva , as gi apie tai ir rasau , ( o gal sulauksiu .. na tada jau gazprome laikykis tikrai tau nuliu neuzteks kad per mano zeme dujotaki tiesti , laukiu ir dar kaip )
Yra užuominų,kad dujotiekio statyba sausuma atsieitų pigiau.Be to dar neištirtas dujotiekio jūros dugnu poveikis gamtai ir rizika pažeisti užslėptą cheminį ginklą.Tai žino visos ES šalys .Neaiškūs ar slapti Vokietijos sandorio su Rusija tikslai.Gal ES senbūvė pasinaudoja neesant ES konstitucijos?
tamstele visai nušokot nuo koto, toks jovaliukas tamstos galvelėj:
vo-pervych - dujotekis sausuma keleriopai pigesnis, mažesnis pavojus gamtai (ir žmonėms),
vo-vtorych - vokiečiai tikrai nori pigesnių dujų ir daug, Rusijos dujos pats tas, jos gali būt pigesnės nei norvegų, jei transportuos sausuma (pigesniu dujotekiu),
vo-tretych - Rusija nori ir turi parduoti dujas EU (kur tu berasi patikimesnį pirkėją?). Negi Tamstelė nežinai nieko apie korektišką prekybą (civilizuoti susitarimai), vokietukai susitars su Rusija tik tada ir tik tiek, kiek sutars su kaimynais.
Teks Rusijai pastebėti kaimynus, tartis ir nustoti gadint orą. Pagaliau, rusai juk irgi nori sočiau gyvent - EU jai gali padėti.
Oi kaip as laukiu kad putke per Lietuvele tiestu vamzdi :-) . Per mano zeme , Che tada ruskiam neuztektu 6 milijardu , reiketu dadet daug daug nuliu . O bendrai tai man vis tik panasu kad niemcai su ruskiais jau susitare , Cia gi vienintele alternatyva siaures juros ( norvegiskom ir olandiskom dujom ) o ir kaina ruskiu duju pigesne , Juk visi skaitet po kiek moka danai uz dujas ??? ar tik ne po 1000 eur , taigi vokieciai net laiska atsiunte musu parlamentarui Azubaliui , kad " vokieciu vartotojai nesupras kodel jie turi moketi brangiau" .
Putinas nėra amžinas , net Leninas su Stalinu gėdingai išeina iš istorijos. Imperinis putinizmas praeis, nes EU ir JAV nesitaikstys su socializmo ir panslavistine prievartos praktika, teks Rusijai garą nuleisti ir su kaimynais tartis geruoju, europietiškai.
Na, o vokietukas socialistas Schrioderiukas visas menkysta, Putino pastumdėlis, jau ryt užmiršim tokį.
Galiu lažintis - nei iki 2010, nei iki2015 metų jokio putiniško vamzdžio Baltijos jūroj nebus, kaip nebebus ir putinizmo.
kad tik nereiktų kremliui vėl svarstyti dojotiekio varianto per LV, LT ir PL...
Redaktoriai, pataisykite nuorodą į šaltinį.

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