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Dr George Carlo on the Alzheimers mouse study
USA Created: 8 Jan 2010
As for this Alzheimer's Disease study, I am hoping to pay a visit to these researchers in Florida next week. My sense is that the investigators have gone a bit beyond what a reasoned interpretation of their data allow in their public statements. But, this could be a function of over-zealous public relations people from the university and the foundation that funded the research. Quotes also could have been taken out of context by the media, so until I speak with the investigators, I can not pass an informed judgement. Nonetheless, seeing this study trumpeted on the national news today was very disturbing because of its potential to further confuse the public regarding cell phone dangers. There are some important points to consider:

Transgenic, genetically engineered mice are very unique animals and extrapolation to even other normal mice, let alone humans is very, very tenuous when addressing even basic biological functions. Cognitive functions are yet one more step removed in terms of extrapolation -- mice and people do not think alike. We need to know more of the investigator's reasoning in terms of how findings in these types of mice relate to human Alzheimer's Disease in general. The exposure system they used, with the central antenna, produces a headfirst, whole body exposure.We know from our work that this is not an efficient system for exposing brain tissue and with this system it is very unlikely that the exposures to the brain were focused. Thus, there is very likely to be systemic oxidative stress reaction in the mice to the whole-body aspect of the exposure. This would include endocrine response and functional deficits related to sleep, for example, which indeed could confound the brain findings in these mice. We need to know more of the dosimetry reasoning as well as how they rationalize other confounders. So, on the scientific design and interpretation side, there are these and many other questions that need to be addressed before we know the degree of relevance of these findings to Alzheimer's Disease in people. As for relevance to Alzheimer's patients, we have known for many years that Information Carrying Radio Waves (ICRW) open the blood-brain barrier. In Alzheimer's patients with amyloid plaques, opening of the BBB could restore circulation to parts of the brain that had been 'dead' or non-functioning because of amyloid build-up. For Alzheimer's patients, that might produce a positive response for a while as now these brain cells could have restored intercellular communication facilitated by restored circulation. But remember that the BBB is a protective layer of endothelial cells in the brain vasculature, so while there might be some restored activity, that would need to be balanced against increased brain tissue exposure to heavy metals and other circulating toxins that would have brain tissue access after the BBB is breached. It is therefore possible that controlled ICRW exposure could have a limited therapeutic effect, but there would be serious potential side-effects to consider.

Following from these pathological realities, however, it does not follow at all that use of a cell phone would be protective against Alzheimer's Disease based on these data, even taken at face value. Opening of the BBB is a dangerous proposition for normal healthy people and we know this is a definitive effect of ICRW. Further, increased brain activity, such as that reported by the investigators, is not always a good thing for a healthy person. This increased stimulation could lead to energetic imbalances, seizure disorders and other neurological problems. And, of course, we have the building database on other health impacts of ICRW exposure that are now predominant in the published literature. A short-term restoration of brain activity in Alzheimer's patients might not be a reasonable trade-off when it carries with it a significantly increased risk of brain cancer, other brain tumors, salivary gland malignancy, eye cancer, other neurological disorders, cognitive deficits and general quality of life impairment.

I will update you after my visit to their lab.
Dr. George L. Carlo
The Health Sciences Consortium
The Science and Public Policy Institute
The Institute for Healthful Adaptation Washington,
D.C. 866-620-4459
apie telefonus:For the first time the Court of Appeal of Brescia in Italy has recognised that excessive use of mobile phone can cause cancer.
In a revolutionary judgement, the Court of Appeal of Brescia has recognised that physical harm is cause by the electromagnetic waves and the mobile phone.

The cases concerned Innocente Marcolini, who was head finance of a very important company in Brescia and who in 2002 started getting excruciating pains in the part of his face where he uses the mobile phone. In effect Marcolini used the mobile phone for five hours a day negotiating and concluding contracts with the company’s clients. After being operated for the tumor, his face is now semi-paralysed, he has lost his sense of touch and half his tongue and has great problems with his left eye, as well as difficulties in chewing and in speaking. He now suffers from 80% disability, and has to undergo extensive therapy and physiotherapy.
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