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Va va... Musu kariunai pasigavo kiaulini gripa nuo Ukrainos kurvu :)
Tai dėl to,kad sienų neuždarėme.
o gal čia paprastas gripas, o ne kiaulių, iš ko jie sprendžia
be panikos tiktai, Ukrainoje visi vaistai išpirkti, bet kokie
tas gripas nuo įprasto nedaug kuo skiriasi..lnk žinios
prasideda ??????
Who will receive priority for vaccination?
WHO continues to recommend that health workers be given first priority for early vaccination to protect themselves and their patients, and help keep health systems functioning as the pandemic evolves.
Other groups at higher risk for severe illness, based on clinical studies, should also be considered as priorities. National authorities will develop and implement vaccination plans based on circumstances within the country.
These other groups include pregnant women; those aged above 6 months with one of several chronic medical conditions; healthy young adults of 15 to 49 years of age; healthy children; healthy adults of 50 to 64 years of age; and healthy adults of 65 years of age and above.
Lietuvoje paskelbe, kad pirmi gaus valdzios pareigunai ir neigalieji. nesuoratau?????? ateitis neigaliuosiusiuose ir seniuose????
WHO continues to recommend that health workers be given first priority for early vaccination to protect themselves and their patients, and help keep health systems functioning as the pandemic evolves.
Other groups at higher risk for severe illness, based on clinical studies, should also be considered as priorities. National authorities will develop and implement vaccination plans based on circumstances within the country.
These other groups include pregnant women; those aged above 6 months with one of several chronic medical conditions; healthy young adults of 15 to 49 years of age; healthy children; healthy adults of 50 to 64 years of age; and healthy adults of 65 years of age and above.
Lietuvoje paskelbe, kad pirmi gaus valdzios pareigunai ir neigalieji. nesuoratau?????? ateitis neigaliuosiusiuose ir seniuose????
ka tik skaiciau, kad JAV gynybos sekretorius Rumfeldas turi vaistu nuo kiauliu gripo monopolija. VAistai labai brangus. O Rumfeldas neteko posto. Argi neapsimoka esant tokiai "laisvai rinkai" pasididinti sau klientu skaiciu? Zinoma apsimoka. Niekas neduoda tokio gero biznio kaiop katastrofos. Juk sis laukinis kapitalizmas ir yra ne kas kita kaip KATASTROFU KAPITALIZMAS. Jei Cheinio kompanijai nebeliko ka statyti JAV, sugriove IRAKA ir statybu kiek nori. Plius didziules dotacijos IRAKo atstatymui. Tas pats ir su kiauliu bei pauksciu gripu. Juolab, kad Lietuva yra uz ka nubausti. Juk ji atsigreze i Rusija.
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Karo akademijoje – kiaulių gripas