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Died suddenly
TYRIMAS: Vaccines and sudden infant death: An analysis of the VAERS database 1990–2019 and review of the medical literature

PMCID: PMC8255173
PMID: 34258234


This study found that a substantial proportion of infant deaths and SIDS cases occurred in temporal proximity to vaccine administration. The excess of deaths during these early post-vaccination periods was statistically significant (p < 0.00001).

ncbi • nlm • nih • gov/pmc/articles/PMC8255173/
- Childhood vaccines are linked to disruption of cellular metabolism, which could cause cancer in kids
- VACCINES COST LIVES: Child mortality is HIGHER in developed nations that require more vaccines – new study
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- TABOO DEBATE TOPIC: Neither candidate nor the debate moderators spoke about the health horrors that came from the Covid vaccines, masks, and lockdowns
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-New data from New Zealand confirms COVID-19 vaccines significantly increase all-cause mortality
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- Vaccines never prevented the transmission of COVID
- ir t. t., ir t. t.

- Distrust in vaccines continues to grow among U.S. adults, survey shows (šaunuoliai amerikanai)
• „Number of Children Who Died After COVID Shots Much Higher Than VAERS Reports Indicate, Analyst Says“
• „Infants Who Receive Multiple Vaccines at Once at ‘Exponentially’ Greater Risk of Disease, Developmental Delays“
• „mRNA vakcina įšvirkšti žmonės dabar yra genetiškai modifikuoti gaminti „baltyminius“ toksinus, kuriuos jų pačių organizmas bando sunaikinti“
• „Vyriausias Japonijos Onkologas: MRNA Vakcinos Iš Esmės Yra “Žmogžudystė”“
• „Stulbinantis tyrimas : miokarditas vaikams pasireiškė tik po covid vakcinacijos“
[skiepų]-injekcijų žala | straipsniai
[skiepų]-injekcijų žala | straipsniai
• Vaccines do not deserve the credit for reducing contagious diseases

> Yeast in Vaccines Tied to Autoimmune Diseases
> Vaccines can spread diseases through shedding
> Vaccines Caused 17 Million Deaths During Pandemic Plus 4 More Takeaways From Largest Excess Mortality Study to Date

- Infants Who Receive Multiple Vaccines at Once at ‘Exponentially’ Greater Risk of Disease, Developmental Delays
- Update on Alexis Lorenze, 23-Year-Old Severely Injured After Hospital Forced Her to Get 3 Vaccines
- Vaccines as a Trigger for Early-Childhood Febrile Seizures
- Kids Who Received mRNA COVID Vaccines Had Altered Immune Systems a Year Later

- AstraZeneca Begins Withdrawing COVID Vaccines Worldwide, Says Decision Not Linked to Lawsuit
- Yale University Study Shows Association Between Vaccines and Brain Disorders

Ir t. t., ir t. t. . Informacijos apie [skiepų] žalą be galo daug. Taip: be galo daug. Tačiau, nėra įrodymų apie naudą. Rekomendacija: ,,No US Childhood Vaccines Were Placebo Tested: Why the Pharma/Government Complex Is Getting Desperate To Shut Down The Web''.

pateikite (angl.) GOLD STANDRD PLACEBO tyrimus ir įrodymus, kad JŪSŲ siūlomas [skiepas] nepakenks konkrečiai man. - laukiu.
Citatos pradžia: ,,[...] skiepijimosi mastai krenta jau nuo 2010 metų, tad atstatyti buvusius rezultatus – užtruks.'', citatos pabaiga.

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man ranka nesudrebėtų nušauti tuos parazitus, kurie injekcijomis padarė didelę ir nepataisomą žalą keliems mūsų šeimos nariams.

Manau toks atpildas teisingiausias ir gal net nepakankamas, nes vienas "medikas" sužaloja ir nužudo tūkstančius vaikų.
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