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Manes mano nuojauta neapgavo,pries jau pries kelias dienas rasiau, kad gal vistik blaivus protas nugales , ir tai ivyko, kas retai musu seime buna. Nors is principo, man visai vistiek, nes jau daug metu tai ne mano valdzia, i rinkimus as nevaikstau, nes nuo to niekas nesikeicia
Meloch, a prijatno.
Si karta padorumas laimejo.
turtbut jau laikas ....
Nu kas cia Tovarisci vse zakonno , na baikit - ck sekretorius visada pasiims i pagalba KGB pareiguna - ( beje viena galingiausiu spec tarnybu pasaulyje - 60 metu tokia valstybe islaike - che )
Adamkus tikriauisia laimingas atlikęs svarbų darbą. Paniekino dešiniuosius ir į visus postus sukišti su KGB surišti vienokiu ar kitokiu būdu. Kaip ir anksčiau taip ir dabar yra takoskyra tarp Sąjūdiečių, vedusių Lietuvą į nepriklausomybę ir tarp jiems oponavusių. Dabar visi postai komunistams, KGB istams. Net KT pirmininkas ir tas buvo kitoje sąjūdžio barikadoje. LRT direktorius dabartinių socdemų, "šatrijų" , bradauskų, pekeliunų pusėje. O ir seimo pirm. ir jo pavaduotojas tikri Komunistų patikrinti kadrai. Nusigyvenome, kai prisitaikėliai tokie kaip Bogušis kartu su tais. Priveisė partijų kitais pavadinimais, o visi vienodi JIE. Graudu gyventi tokioj valstybėj, kur išdavystės, melas yra gerbiami.
Tai tyčiojimasis iš Lietuvos!
...ir del KGB kontroliuojamos religijos
...ir del KGB kontroliuojamos religijos
- Golitsyn discusses the Western press and their inability to accurately report events in Russia and other Communist countries due to their ignorance, in part, of what perestroika actually is. Their version of perestroika is so in tune with what the Communists would have them believe, that now Russia allows its public to listen to such radio programs as "The Voice of America" and the BBC.

- On the topic of religion, Golitsyn wrote to the CIA in 1990: "...greater apparent official tolerance of religion in the Soviet Union is accompanied by a secret drive to increase Party and KGB penetration of the Catholic and other churches and to use agents therein for political and strategic purposes inside and outside the Soviet Union. As part of the programme to destroy religion from within, the KGB, in the late 1950s, started sending dedicated young Communists to ecclesiastical academies and seminaries to train them as future church leaders. These young Communists joined the Church, not at the call of their consciences to serve God, but at the call of the Communist Party in order to serve that Party and to implement its general line in the struggle against religion." The author continues in saying that when these new "church leaders" have achieved their goals, that a mass withdrawal of these agents will occur to disrupt and destroy the churches. Golitsyn warns that "never in its history since Nero has Christianity faced such a threat of possible destruction
Perestroika is the result of 30 years of preparation and strategy in the "restructuring of the whole world." (pg. 45)

- The actions of Russia in securing victories by the Leftist parties in the recent elections of the U.S., West Germany, France and Britain. The Russians feel that Conservatives might "recover" from the idea of perestroika so it would be best to have Liberals in office.

- In 1989, Golitsyn suggested to the CIA that Gorbachev could possibly be replaced by either a conservative of Ligachev's type or by a liberal of Yeltsin's type. The author further speculated that Gorbachev's replacement would be a calculated move and, depending on circumstances, may even be brought back into power at a later date.

- The Chinese-Russian relation and the West's failure to understand this relationship. In 1989, the author wrote to the CIA: "...China is destined to become a Soviet partner in the future World Government towards which Moscow and Peking are jointly preceding." (pg. 36) In another memorandum to the CIA in February 1993, Golitsyn wrote in reference to a "mask of diplomatic and political cooperation" by Russia: "When the right moment comes the mask will be dropped and the Russians with Chinese help will seek to impose their system on the West on their own terms as the culmination of a 'Second October Socialist Revolution.

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