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Dešniųjų kumyras ir asmeniškai Lansbergio remiamas VALINSKAS yra teistas už teroristinį grasinimą-UŽMINAVIMĄ. Už tokius teroristinius "pokštus" VALINSKAS NEĮLEIDŽIAMAS Į JAV teritoriją
Vaje, "geriausias" skolinimosi expertas Stoma, pats jau atsėdėjęs už pasiskolinimą, bando ir vyriausybę mokinti. Na ir tikras budulis tas tipas.
kubiliukas nera kvailas ir po truputi sutvarkys reikalus.O pyderai galit cia neloti,geriau varykit kirkilam keusius laizyt
Jokio TVF, Stoma, nesupranti kokia nesamone siulai...
Aisku,kad ne pakalneje.Ziema jau baigias-isgyvenom,o vasara bus morku,buroku ir bulbiu ishsiaugysim,uogom grybais misim.Acidarys augstu tehnologiju sauletekio slenis,darbo runkeliam atsiras ir isbrisma is krizes.
Aciu ,paguode.Visi mes mirsim ,Kubiliau.:)
When alien bankers control the purse strings of the State, inevitably the State becomes synonymous with these bankers. The State is "public" in name only. This is the true face of Communism.
As we slide into a recession or even a depression, keep your eye on the big picture. As I suggested last week, the Masonic central bankers (i.e. Illuminati) are waging war
against society. Their goal is to "absorb the world's wealth" (Cecil Rhodes) and to control every aspect of our lives (i.e. Communism.)
Why? They need to protect their fraudulent monopoly on the credit of the world's governments, worth literally trillions. They started the two world wars so global governance (i.e. the League of Nations, United Nations) would bring "a better world." They started this financial crisis for the same spurious reasons.
Most everyone who is "successful" in our world --in government, culture, business-- wittingly or unwittingly serves the bankers' fraudulent monopoly. Thus, society is fraudulent to the core. Collaborators include Obama, McCain and the mass media. When Obama vows to "change the world" , he is fronting for them. "Progressive" and socialist policies always have been used to manipulate the masses and increase state power and debt.
Don't get caught up in the noise. Advocate the renunciation of the portion of the national debt owed to the central bankers. (They created the money out of thin air. We create it out of work.) Oppose the loss of national sovereignty and the reorganization of society. They are being introduced under the smokescreen of this boom-bust ruse which, according to Carl Teichrib, is as old as Joseph.
As we slide into a recession or even a depression, keep your eye on the big picture. As I suggested last week, the Masonic central bankers (i.e. Illuminati) are waging war
against society. Their goal is to "absorb the world's wealth" (Cecil Rhodes) and to control every aspect of our lives (i.e. Communism.)
Why? They need to protect their fraudulent monopoly on the credit of the world's governments, worth literally trillions. They started the two world wars so global governance (i.e. the League of Nations, United Nations) would bring "a better world." They started this financial crisis for the same spurious reasons.
Most everyone who is "successful" in our world --in government, culture, business-- wittingly or unwittingly serves the bankers' fraudulent monopoly. Thus, society is fraudulent to the core. Collaborators include Obama, McCain and the mass media. When Obama vows to "change the world" , he is fronting for them. "Progressive" and socialist policies always have been used to manipulate the masses and increase state power and debt.
Don't get caught up in the noise. Advocate the renunciation of the portion of the national debt owed to the central bankers. (They created the money out of thin air. We create it out of work.) Oppose the loss of national sovereignty and the reorganization of society. They are being introduced under the smokescreen of this boom-bust ruse which, according to Carl Teichrib, is as old as Joseph.
Nevemkit čia nevalstybine kalba.
We are the loosers of Lithuania.
History repeats itself because the Masonic Jewish bankers use the same old bag of tricks. If this is an indication, we are in for tough economic times. If the government controlled its own credit, we could easily re inflate the economy at no cost in debt or interest. But with the central bankers controlling credit, I wonder if they will do enough to replace the capital they have drained from the system.
The Bush Administration is complicit in 9-11; in blowing the levees after Katrina, and responsible for the gratuitous, costly and deadly Iraq War. How much confidence can we have in them?
I expect a FDR-like "New Deal" from Obama which no doubt will involve much more government control and more "internationalism." Like FDR, Obama will be venerated as some kind of savior.
The Bush Administration is complicit in 9-11; in blowing the levees after Katrina, and responsible for the gratuitous, costly and deadly Iraq War. How much confidence can we have in them?
I expect a FDR-like "New Deal" from Obama which no doubt will involve much more government control and more "internationalism." Like FDR, Obama will be venerated as some kind of savior.
A. Kubilius: Lietuva dar nėra visiškos nelaimės pakalnėje