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maciau sita anksciau, niekada nevalgyciau vien del to, kad zuvies pacios gaila..
tuoj ciurkos prades ir gyvas kates valgyt
Nesu hipis, bet nemalonu žiūrėt. Bereikalingas sadizmas. Pats žuvį pagavęs tai ir prieš žvynus skusdamas užmušu, kad nekentėtų.
Reiketu tokius virejus bausti uz gyvunu kankinima arba pacio pirsta i ugni ikisti..
jei kurima jau nors regione toks zuvies ruosimo budas butu labai jau iprastas, tai neabejoju, kad dauguma kinu tai zinotu. Bent jau kaip "Spezialität".
Nemanau, kad pataloginius atvejus reiktu vadinti taisykle ar pan.
Nemanau, kad pataloginius atvejus reiktu vadinti taisykle ar pan.
Kinija didele, kas viename regione neiprasta, kitame laikoma saviame suprantamu dalyku. Sis filmukas Vakaruose sukele toki pasipiktinima, kad net Kinijos ambasada Anglijoje turejo aiskintis. Beje, jie nepaneige, kad toks zuvu ruosimo budas yra tradicinis. Taip kad ne beprocio cia darbas.
"In order to keep the carp alive chefs cook its body but wrap its head in a wet cloth to keep it breathing, before covering it in sauce and serving in on a plate.
The YouTube video shows diners, who are laughing and joking, prodding the fish while it is still moving, before picking it apart with chopsticks.
Peta, the animal rights group, called the video, which had more than 120,000 views on YouTube in a week, "disgusting".
A spokesperson said: "Every decent person should be shocked when anyone mocks or abuses a helpless dying animal."
It is not the first time that the Chinese have been criticised for their extreme eating habits.
Reports have claimed some restaurants offer monkey's brains. Other dishes include rats, dogs, snakes, lizards and baby mice.
Last month Stephen Fry was criticised by the Chinese embassy after he singled out the Chinese culture as being the biggest threat to some endangered species.
“It is not very pleasant for us to single out a culture, but, if you care about lions and tigers and whales and sharks, it is the Far East and the way they eat, or the way they attempt to cure themselves, that seems to be the biggest threat," he said.
A spokesman at the Chinese embassy responded: “I don’t think it is fair to accuse other cultures of having certain negative habits and traditions.
“We have our traditions, as the Spanish have bullfighting, and you, until recently, had foxhunting. We did not criticise you or the Spanish for this. Tiger bones for traditional medicine are now banned, to the suffering of the Chinese industry.”
"In order to keep the carp alive chefs cook its body but wrap its head in a wet cloth to keep it breathing, before covering it in sauce and serving in on a plate.
The YouTube video shows diners, who are laughing and joking, prodding the fish while it is still moving, before picking it apart with chopsticks.
Peta, the animal rights group, called the video, which had more than 120,000 views on YouTube in a week, "disgusting".
A spokesperson said: "Every decent person should be shocked when anyone mocks or abuses a helpless dying animal."
It is not the first time that the Chinese have been criticised for their extreme eating habits.
Reports have claimed some restaurants offer monkey's brains. Other dishes include rats, dogs, snakes, lizards and baby mice.
Last month Stephen Fry was criticised by the Chinese embassy after he singled out the Chinese culture as being the biggest threat to some endangered species.
“It is not very pleasant for us to single out a culture, but, if you care about lions and tigers and whales and sharks, it is the Far East and the way they eat, or the way they attempt to cure themselves, that seems to be the biggest threat," he said.
A spokesman at the Chinese embassy responded: “I don’t think it is fair to accuse other cultures of having certain negative habits and traditions.
“We have our traditions, as the Spanish have bullfighting, and you, until recently, had foxhunting. We did not criticise you or the Spanish for this. Tiger bones for traditional medicine are now banned, to the suffering of the Chinese industry.”
Na daug ka galiu suprasti, bet cia jau perzengtos ribos. Nu ot malonumas valgai o i tave ziuri tokios gailios akys.
Kiek zinau tai cia tipo irodymas kad zuvis sviezia.
Tiek to jei ji skani as ir taip patikesiu kad ji sviezia.
Kiek zinau tai cia tipo irodymas kad zuvis sviezia.
Tiek to jei ji skani as ir taip patikesiu kad ji sviezia.
pazistamiems kinams parodziau sita filmuka, tai sake, kad cia nesamone, niekas taip zuvies nekepa pas juos. gal koks psichas virejas, bet toki ir Lietuvaoj be problemu rastum.
Atsiranda idiotu, kurie sunis nuo tilto meto, atsiras kas ir zuvi gyva keps...
Atsiranda idiotu, kurie sunis nuo tilto meto, atsiras kas ir zuvi gyva keps...
Nacionalinio žuvies valgymo ypatumai