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Paimkite anglu kalbos pamokas. Visai nesupratote straipsnio. Paskaitykite dar karta - Izraelio kariuomenes tikslas pavergti Hamasa ir padeti palestinieciams pakeisti valdzia i maziau krastutine valdzia (Fatach) su kuria tikisi kad bus galima padaryti taikos sutarti , nes su Hamaso zudikais ir melagiais neimanoma pradeti tarybu.
Amerikietis tarnaves armijoje grieztai,argumentuotai pasisako pries Izraelio kariuomines veiksmus Gazoje ir pazymi kad pagrindinis tikslas isvis nusluoti Gazos populiacija, o ne Hamas.
I recently retired from the US Marine Corps, but I saw service in Iraq. I do know something of military matters that are relevant to the situation now in Gaza.
I am dismayed by the rhetoric from US politicians and pundits to the effect that if the US were under rocket attack from Mexico or Canada, we would respond like the Israelis. This a gross insult to US servicemen; I can assure you that we would NOT respond like the Israelis. In fact, US armed forces and adjunct civilians are under attack constantly in Iraq and Afghanistan by people who are much better armed, much better trained and far deadlier than Hamas (Ill ignore for now that the politicians seem to be oblivious to this fact). Israel has indeed taken a small number of casualties from Hamas rocket fire (about 20 killed since 2001), but we have taken thousands of casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, including many civilian personnel. Hundreds of American casualties have occurred due to indirect fire, often from mortars. This is particularly true in or near the Green Zone in Baghdad. This fire often originates from densely populated urban areas.
Americans do not, I repeat DO NOT, respond to that fire indiscriminately. When I say indiscriminately, I mean that even if we can precisely identify the source of the fire (which can be very difficult), we do not respond if we know we will cause civilian casualties. We always evaluate the threat to civilians before responding, and in an urban area the threat to civilians is extremely high. If US servicemen violate those rules of engagement and harm civilians, I assure you we do our best to investigate -- and mete out punishment if warranted. There are differing opinions on the conflict in Iraq, but I am proud of the conduct of our servicemen there.
With that in mind, I find the conduct of the Israeli army in Gaza to be brutal and dishonorable, and it is insulting that they and others claim that the US military would behave in the same way. I know the Israelis are operating under difficult circumstances, but their claim that they follow similar rules of engagement rings hollow; I see little evidence for this claim given the huge number of civilian casualties they have caused from indirect fire.
In particular, I am stunned at the Israeli explanation for the 30+ civilians killed at the UN school. The Israelis say they were responding to mortar fire from the school. Mortars are insidious because their high trajectory and lack of primary flash make it very difficult to trace the source of the fire; you have to have a spotter locate the crew. The Israelis claim that they traced the source of the fire precisely to the school; if so, they must have directly spotted the crew. Thus it is inconceivable that the Israelis did not know that the target was a crowded UN school, yet they chose to fire on the school anyhow. I say without hesitation that this is a criminal act. If the Israelis had said, sorry, it was an accident, that could indicate a targeting problem, confusion, or inferior training. But to openly admit that they responded reflexively to the Hamas fire without consideration for the inevitable civilian casualties is beyond the pale. The Israelis blame Hamas for firing from the school (although UN personnel on the ground dispute this), but choosing to fire directly at civilians is far worse; it is tantamount to murder. US servicemen do not behave that way in Iraq and Afghanistan, and we face much deadlier adversaries (Hamas mortar crews are apparently not very effective: I believe that all but one of the total Israeli combat fatalities have been from friendly fire). In the rare and unfortunate cases where US personnel have willingly targeted civilians, they have been court-martialed and punished.
The Israeli approach in Gaza strikes me as uncontrolled and vengeful. My objective analysis is that it has little tactical effectiveness; my opinion is that its main goal is to whip the entire Gaza population into submission. This is disturbingly similar to the Israelis conduct in Lebanon in 2006, so I feel obliged to say that the Israeli military displays a concerted pattern of disregard for civilian lives. I am not a politician, but in my opinion the US should take some sort of political action in this regard. If we continue to formally condone Israels dishonorable and brutal military conduct in Gaza, I fear there will eventually be dire consequences for our country.
I recently retired from the US Marine Corps, but I saw service in Iraq. I do know something of military matters that are relevant to the situation now in Gaza.
I am dismayed by the rhetoric from US politicians and pundits to the effect that if the US were under rocket attack from Mexico or Canada, we would respond like the Israelis. This a gross insult to US servicemen; I can assure you that we would NOT respond like the Israelis. In fact, US armed forces and adjunct civilians are under attack constantly in Iraq and Afghanistan by people who are much better armed, much better trained and far deadlier than Hamas (Ill ignore for now that the politicians seem to be oblivious to this fact). Israel has indeed taken a small number of casualties from Hamas rocket fire (about 20 killed since 2001), but we have taken thousands of casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, including many civilian personnel. Hundreds of American casualties have occurred due to indirect fire, often from mortars. This is particularly true in or near the Green Zone in Baghdad. This fire often originates from densely populated urban areas.
Americans do not, I repeat DO NOT, respond to that fire indiscriminately. When I say indiscriminately, I mean that even if we can precisely identify the source of the fire (which can be very difficult), we do not respond if we know we will cause civilian casualties. We always evaluate the threat to civilians before responding, and in an urban area the threat to civilians is extremely high. If US servicemen violate those rules of engagement and harm civilians, I assure you we do our best to investigate -- and mete out punishment if warranted. There are differing opinions on the conflict in Iraq, but I am proud of the conduct of our servicemen there.
With that in mind, I find the conduct of the Israeli army in Gaza to be brutal and dishonorable, and it is insulting that they and others claim that the US military would behave in the same way. I know the Israelis are operating under difficult circumstances, but their claim that they follow similar rules of engagement rings hollow; I see little evidence for this claim given the huge number of civilian casualties they have caused from indirect fire.
In particular, I am stunned at the Israeli explanation for the 30+ civilians killed at the UN school. The Israelis say they were responding to mortar fire from the school. Mortars are insidious because their high trajectory and lack of primary flash make it very difficult to trace the source of the fire; you have to have a spotter locate the crew. The Israelis claim that they traced the source of the fire precisely to the school; if so, they must have directly spotted the crew. Thus it is inconceivable that the Israelis did not know that the target was a crowded UN school, yet they chose to fire on the school anyhow. I say without hesitation that this is a criminal act. If the Israelis had said, sorry, it was an accident, that could indicate a targeting problem, confusion, or inferior training. But to openly admit that they responded reflexively to the Hamas fire without consideration for the inevitable civilian casualties is beyond the pale. The Israelis blame Hamas for firing from the school (although UN personnel on the ground dispute this), but choosing to fire directly at civilians is far worse; it is tantamount to murder. US servicemen do not behave that way in Iraq and Afghanistan, and we face much deadlier adversaries (Hamas mortar crews are apparently not very effective: I believe that all but one of the total Israeli combat fatalities have been from friendly fire). In the rare and unfortunate cases where US personnel have willingly targeted civilians, they have been court-martialed and punished.
The Israeli approach in Gaza strikes me as uncontrolled and vengeful. My objective analysis is that it has little tactical effectiveness; my opinion is that its main goal is to whip the entire Gaza population into submission. This is disturbingly similar to the Israelis conduct in Lebanon in 2006, so I feel obliged to say that the Israeli military displays a concerted pattern of disregard for civilian lives. I am not a politician, but in my opinion the US should take some sort of political action in this regard. If we continue to formally condone Israels dishonorable and brutal military conduct in Gaza, I fear there will eventually be dire consequences for our country.
ka tu cia mums istraukas is Jeruzalem post straipsniu rasinesi?mes juk cia nekvailiai.mes visu saliu,ir visus laikrascius skaitom.nesivargink.kur tai matyta,kad zydai savo laikrastyje,dar ir save pasmerks?
Siulau paskaityti ir suzinoti Jerusalem Post [Dzherusalem post] skaitytoju komentarus (Talk back).
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36. 'sources say' hamas needs lull
and when it no longer 'needs lull' what do they say?hamas must keep shooting to define themselvves--remember amalek!
snowball - usa (01/18/2009 12:26)
Shaltiniai sako, kad Hamas reikalingas atokvepis/ugnies nutaukimas. O kas bus toliau, kuomet jiem persigrupuos, apsiginkluos ir nebereikes atokvepio?
37. HOPE....
I just hope that these IDIOTS (HAMAS) mean what they say and keep on fighting Israel so the entire world see what kind of ANIMALS we dealing with.
sia - usa (01/18/2009 12:33)
As tikuosi, kad tie Hamas idiotai supranta, ka jie turi omenyje, sakydami “kovoti su Israeliu”. Todel laisvasis pasaulis mato, su kokiais Hamas'iniais galvijais turima reikalu.
38. Hamas
My country Australia has troops in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban. This gang along with Hamas and all the other radical islamists are the greatist menace to world progress and stability. thhey have different names in different countries,but are all tarred withe the same brush of radical Islam.
Israel is in the front line of these fanatics,and deserves the full support of the free world to eliminate at least one internationaly recognised terrorist movement .I hope that the security organisations of all countries are keeping a close watch on pro terrorist demonstrators .they are very dangerous
David Baden - Australia (01/18/2009 12:46)
Mano shalis Australija kovoja pries Taliban. Jie ir islam radikala, kurie turi skirtingus pavadinimus skirtingose valstybese, isauge is to paties islam krumo, yra didziausia gresme pasaulio progresui ir stabilumui.
Israel yra priesakinese linijose su siais fanatikais ir nori, kad Laisvasis pasaulis paremmtu ji ir padetu bent viena Pasaulio pripazinta ir pasmerkta teroristini jungini Hamas. As tikiuosi, kad slaptosios/saugumo tarnybos ivairiose salyse atidziai stebi teroristus remiancias demostracijas, nes jie yra labai pavojingi.
41. Yukon Eddie Bingo! Einstein was right
insanity: repeating the same act hoping for a different result.
It's the pals logo, It's become tragically laughable. Unfortunate;ly, the laughs on the gazans.
They're incredibly ignorant.
petra - usa (01/18/2009 13:53)
Albert Einstein buvo teisus, sakydamas:
Beproyste yra kuomet kartojams tas pats veiksmas ir tikimasi skirtingu rezultatu. Butent sis Hamas shukis yra tragiskas o palestinieciai tapo pajuokos objektu.
112. wake up stupid Gazans
look who is telling u what to do, and how to goon fighting:Mashaal,who lives his good life in Syria, eats his 3 or 4 meals aday, and maybe enjoys his virgins promised to shahidim, while u suffer terribly and being used as dispensable pawns in their achieving their fanatic goals of hatred WAKE UP!!!!!!!!
bob - (01/17/2009 20:28)
Atsibuskite kvailiai Gaza gyventojai!
Neklausykite to, kuris sako ka jums daryti ir kaip kovoti su Israel:
-Mashalas gyvena gerai Sirijoje, jis valgo 3-4 kartus per diena, gal but linksminasi su nekaltomis mergaitemis, kurios buvo jums pazadetos o palestinieciai skursta ir yra panaudojami kaip keiciami pestininkai Hamas fanatiku kerstui ir savanaudiems tikslams.
Atsibuskit,!!! (nusimeskit Hamas nuo savo sprando, pritarkite Israel-Palestina taikiam sambuviui, t.y bukite isitikine, kad privalo buti ir sugyventi 2 valstybes tame Zemes gabalelyje)
Jie beveik prie kiekvieno Jerusalem Post straipsnio apacioje:
-isijunge juos, - issklaiskite visa teksta ir eikite prie sekancio (next) ar prie buvusiojo komentaro (previous)
36. 'sources say' hamas needs lull
and when it no longer 'needs lull' what do they say?hamas must keep shooting to define themselvves--remember amalek!
snowball - usa (01/18/2009 12:26)
Shaltiniai sako, kad Hamas reikalingas atokvepis/ugnies nutaukimas. O kas bus toliau, kuomet jiem persigrupuos, apsiginkluos ir nebereikes atokvepio?
37. HOPE....
I just hope that these IDIOTS (HAMAS) mean what they say and keep on fighting Israel so the entire world see what kind of ANIMALS we dealing with.
sia - usa (01/18/2009 12:33)
As tikuosi, kad tie Hamas idiotai supranta, ka jie turi omenyje, sakydami “kovoti su Israeliu”. Todel laisvasis pasaulis mato, su kokiais Hamas'iniais galvijais turima reikalu.
38. Hamas
My country Australia has troops in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban. This gang along with Hamas and all the other radical islamists are the greatist menace to world progress and stability. thhey have different names in different countries,but are all tarred withe the same brush of radical Islam.
Israel is in the front line of these fanatics,and deserves the full support of the free world to eliminate at least one internationaly recognised terrorist movement .I hope that the security organisations of all countries are keeping a close watch on pro terrorist demonstrators .they are very dangerous
David Baden - Australia (01/18/2009 12:46)
Mano shalis Australija kovoja pries Taliban. Jie ir islam radikala, kurie turi skirtingus pavadinimus skirtingose valstybese, isauge is to paties islam krumo, yra didziausia gresme pasaulio progresui ir stabilumui.
Israel yra priesakinese linijose su siais fanatikais ir nori, kad Laisvasis pasaulis paremmtu ji ir padetu bent viena Pasaulio pripazinta ir pasmerkta teroristini jungini Hamas. As tikiuosi, kad slaptosios/saugumo tarnybos ivairiose salyse atidziai stebi teroristus remiancias demostracijas, nes jie yra labai pavojingi.
41. Yukon Eddie Bingo! Einstein was right
insanity: repeating the same act hoping for a different result.
It's the pals logo, It's become tragically laughable. Unfortunate;ly, the laughs on the gazans.
They're incredibly ignorant.
petra - usa (01/18/2009 13:53)
Albert Einstein buvo teisus, sakydamas:
Beproyste yra kuomet kartojams tas pats veiksmas ir tikimasi skirtingu rezultatu. Butent sis Hamas shukis yra tragiskas o palestinieciai tapo pajuokos objektu.
112. wake up stupid Gazans
look who is telling u what to do, and how to goon fighting:Mashaal,who lives his good life in Syria, eats his 3 or 4 meals aday, and maybe enjoys his virgins promised to shahidim, while u suffer terribly and being used as dispensable pawns in their achieving their fanatic goals of hatred WAKE UP!!!!!!!!
bob - (01/17/2009 20:28)
Atsibuskite kvailiai Gaza gyventojai!
Neklausykite to, kuris sako ka jums daryti ir kaip kovoti su Israel:
-Mashalas gyvena gerai Sirijoje, jis valgo 3-4 kartus per diena, gal but linksminasi su nekaltomis mergaitemis, kurios buvo jums pazadetos o palestinieciai skursta ir yra panaudojami kaip keiciami pestininkai Hamas fanatiku kerstui ir savanaudiems tikslams.
Atsibuskit,!!! (nusimeskit Hamas nuo savo sprando, pritarkite Israel-Palestina taikiam sambuviui, t.y bukite isitikine, kad privalo buti ir sugyventi 2 valstybes tame Zemes gabalelyje)
Tik pibaigt ,negalima sustot.Po menesio Hamasas vel šaudys,dabar pasibaigė raketos.
Ali Baba ir panasus turite po smegduobe galvoje.
"noredama sutrukdyti jungtiniu tautu planui del palestinos padalijimo" ...ir sukurimo DVIEJU valstybiu: buvo toks planas, bet kazkodel iki siol teegzistuoja vienas izraelis. Kaip ir daugybe kitu JT rezoliuciju, kurias izraelis jau 50 metu ignoruoja. Kaip ir JT priimtus saziningo kariavimo principus. Taigi, kad remtis JT ginant sia valstybe niekaip neiseina.
"terorizmas nera pateisinamas jokiais pseudo kilniais tikslais": pritariu! Taip pat terorizmo negalima pateisinti zydu kilnaus noro tureti savo valstybe. O tik taip galima pavadinti izraelio kariuomenes veiksmus pries beginklius zmones - valstybinis terorizmas. Cia formuluotes klausimas. Ir visai nesvarbu, kad ES hamas vadina teroristais, o izraelio (dar) ne. Juk hitlerio vokietijos irgi niekas terotistais nevadino, bet tai nekeitete ziauraus reikalo esmes.
"jei dar idomu- per paskutinius keleta metu- izraelis atliko 150 atviru sirdies operaciju palestinieciu vaikams- kurie kitu atveju nebutu isgyvene": koks skirtumas ar mire be operaciju, ar buvo isskersti zydu armijos smogiku?! Juokingas komentaras. Gal pirmiausiai nereiketu issprogdinti visos infrastukturos - mokyklu, ligoniu, elektriniu - tuomet ir nereikes gydyti izraelyje...
Jau nekalbant, kad tai yra gydytoju PAREIGA - butu dar baisiau, jei zydu gydytojai atsisakytu gydyti arabu vaikus. Gera rase - bloga rase?
"terorizmas nera pateisinamas jokiais pseudo kilniais tikslais": pritariu! Taip pat terorizmo negalima pateisinti zydu kilnaus noro tureti savo valstybe. O tik taip galima pavadinti izraelio kariuomenes veiksmus pries beginklius zmones - valstybinis terorizmas. Cia formuluotes klausimas. Ir visai nesvarbu, kad ES hamas vadina teroristais, o izraelio (dar) ne. Juk hitlerio vokietijos irgi niekas terotistais nevadino, bet tai nekeitete ziauraus reikalo esmes.
"jei dar idomu- per paskutinius keleta metu- izraelis atliko 150 atviru sirdies operaciju palestinieciu vaikams- kurie kitu atveju nebutu isgyvene": koks skirtumas ar mire be operaciju, ar buvo isskersti zydu armijos smogiku?! Juokingas komentaras. Gal pirmiausiai nereiketu issprogdinti visos infrastukturos - mokyklu, ligoniu, elektriniu - tuomet ir nereikes gydyti izraelyje...
Jau nekalbant, kad tai yra gydytoju PAREIGA - butu dar baisiau, jei zydu gydytojai atsisakytu gydyti arabu vaikus. Gera rase - bloga rase?
gal primink? kas 1948 m. pradejo puolima? ir del ko?
kiek prisimenu tai buvo jungtine arabu kariuomene, noredama sutrukdyti jungtiniu tautu planui del palestinos padalijimo pagal etnines linijas. nesugebejo sutraiskyti zydu- kaip ir 1968 m., 1973 m.
o zudyniu buvo visose pusese. terorizmas nera pateisinamas jokiais pseudo kilniais tikslais.
zmones kurie dziugauja kai keleto metuku vaikui suskaldoma kaukole ir ta atlikes zmogus yra vadinamas didvyriu- nera verti vadintis zmonemis.
jei dar idomu- per paskutinius keleta metu- izraelis atliko 150 atviru sirdies operaciju palestinieciu vaikams- kurie kitu atveju nebutu isgyvene. jau nekalbant apie tai, kad per fatah ir hamas kovas susizeide kovotojai begdavo gydytis i izraeli.
kiek prisimenu tai buvo jungtine arabu kariuomene, noredama sutrukdyti jungtiniu tautu planui del palestinos padalijimo pagal etnines linijas. nesugebejo sutraiskyti zydu- kaip ir 1968 m., 1973 m.
o zudyniu buvo visose pusese. terorizmas nera pateisinamas jokiais pseudo kilniais tikslais.
zmones kurie dziugauja kai keleto metuku vaikui suskaldoma kaukole ir ta atlikes zmogus yra vadinamas didvyriu- nera verti vadintis zmonemis.
jei dar idomu- per paskutinius keleta metu- izraelis atliko 150 atviru sirdies operaciju palestinieciu vaikams- kurie kitu atveju nebutu isgyvene. jau nekalbant apie tai, kad per fatah ir hamas kovas susizeide kovotojai begdavo gydytis i izraeli.
zydukai kalti .
patys pradejo dar 1946/8 metais
tada iskerde daug plestinieciu sie buvo priversti begti is savo zemiu o tada zydai uzgrobe kita dali teritoriju palestinos ir pavadino tai izraeliu....
dabar tu issudytuju ir pabegusiuju vaikai ir anukai kersyja ir nesileizia zydu niokojami...
musu parizanai beje irgi buvo vadinami banditais ir laidies priesais ar suprantat :/
jie gi uzgrobe palestinos zemes o dabar uzsigeide dar daugiau :/
o religija ir visas twerorizas tai tik priemones pasiekti tikslu...
kol arabu niekas neklibino jie nieko ir nedare jk teroristai atsirado visai nesenai kai vakaru salys vel pradejo ten kistis... ar jum tai nieko nesako?
kaip taip paimti ir pradeti kariauti su visu pasauliu nei is sio nei to ..
pvz cecenus rusai irgi padare teroristais.. nors sie savo zemej kovojo su okupantais !
patys pradejo dar 1946/8 metais
tada iskerde daug plestinieciu sie buvo priversti begti is savo zemiu o tada zydai uzgrobe kita dali teritoriju palestinos ir pavadino tai izraeliu....
dabar tu issudytuju ir pabegusiuju vaikai ir anukai kersyja ir nesileizia zydu niokojami...
musu parizanai beje irgi buvo vadinami banditais ir laidies priesais ar suprantat :/
jie gi uzgrobe palestinos zemes o dabar uzsigeide dar daugiau :/
o religija ir visas twerorizas tai tik priemones pasiekti tikslu...
kol arabu niekas neklibino jie nieko ir nedare jk teroristai atsirado visai nesenai kai vakaru salys vel pradejo ten kistis... ar jum tai nieko nesako?
kaip taip paimti ir pradeti kariauti su visu pasauliu nei is sio nei to ..
pvz cecenus rusai irgi padare teroristais.. nors sie savo zemej kovojo su okupantais !
Sužibo viltis: „Hamas“ paskelbė paliaubas (papildyta 15:15)