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Хотят ли русские войны? Не спрашивай у тишины. Под грохот танков и гранат Порядок вновь наводит русский брат. Спроси у цинковых гробов, В которых молодых сынов С земель соседских привозили Старухам, чтоб те слезы лили. Спроси у бравых тех ребят, Которые в Кремле сидят, К погонам звезды пришивают, Дубиной «мирной» угрожают. Спроси у «патриотов» с бритой головой, Как «мирно» те во тьме ночной «мочили» молдаван, таджиков, Кавказцев , черных и узбеков. Спроси у Польши и Литвы- Им о России снятся сны. Спроси у пражской у весны, - Хотят ли русские войны? Спроси у венгров, как когда-то На танках русские солдаты, По Будапешту рассекали, Вугорцев к миру «приучали». Тебе ответит старый финн, Проживший много – до седин, Как «мирно» русские войска Рвались сквозь зиму и снега. И белорос вам скажет коренной, Тот, чьи отцы из древних из литвин, Какой кровавой, дорогой ценой Им мир и братство подарил москвин. Когда Суворова орда Палила села, города… Спроси, спроси у Куропат- Там непокорные лежат. Спроси,- Что Украине братской, Заверенной в любви славянской, Из цепких рук большого брата, Зачем защит искать у НАТО? Спроси всех западных славян,- Как миру их учил Иван… Миролюбив солдат-Иван Бомбил Кабул, Афганистан. В их кишлаки и города Не мир пришел - пришла беда. Спроси у вдов, детей Чечни,- Хотят ли русские войны? Кто такой русский «миротворец», Тебе ответит гордый горец. Грузин, улыбчивый когда-то, Сквозь слезы просто промолчит. Под мирным танком русского солдата Сейчас его земля горит. ХОТЯТ ЛИ РУССКИЕ ВОЙНЫ? И от Китая до Литвы Найдется ль хоть один сосед, Который твердо скажет,- «НЕТ!»?
komentaras iš Baltarusijos grani.ru
komentaras iš Baltarusijos grani.ru
Civil Georgia, Tbilisi / 13 Aug.'08 / 17:12
Georgia has claimed irregular militias were targeting and looting ethnic Georgians in the villages of the South Ossetian conflict zone and beyond.
And U.S. deputy assistance secretary of state, Mathew Bryza, who is in Tbilisi now, said on August 13, that “incredible reports of serious violence” were coming from the region.
“We have incredible reports that villages have been burnt and there are killings innocent people,” Bryza said, while speaking at a joint news conference with Alexandre Lomaia, the secretary of Georgia’s National Security Council.
Bryza also added: “we have certain degree of confidence in credibility of these reports.”
President Saakashvili said on August 13 that reports of “large-scale violation of human rights” were coming from the region.
“Balkan-type ethnic cleansing and purification campaign is ongoing,” Saakashvili said.
In a separate remarks made at a joint news conference with the French President in early hours of August 13 Saakashvili said, there were “rampages and ethnic cleansing” in the Georgian villages in the vicinity of the South Ossetian capital Tskhinvali.
BBC World and CNN correspondents on the ground have both reported on August 13, quoting eyewitnesses from Gori, as saying that paramilitary groups, apparently South Ossetian militias, were looting and robbing local population at gunpoint in the town. They, however, said they have not seen it with their own eyes.
A reporter from The Associated Press reported on August 12 to have witnessed “more than a dozen fires in what appeared to be deserted ethnic Georgian neighborhoods and saw evidence of looting in those areas.”
Alexandre Lomaia, the secretary of the Georgian National Security Council, said that Russian forces rolled their tanks into the town of Gori, which were followed by paramilitary groups and “mercenaries from [Russia’s] North Caucasus.”
“Russia has treacherously broke its word [on ceasefire and separation of forces] agreed yesterday in presence of President Sarkozy and rolled their tanks in Gori this morning,” he said earlier on August 13.
He said that the Georgian authorities would ask the foreign diplomat in Tbilisi to set up an ambassadorial group, apparently led by the French ambassador, to inspect the real situation on the ground and help to stop targeting the ethnic Georgians in the region.
Parliamentary Chairman, Davit Bakradze, said on August 13 that the parliament planned to set up a special group of lawmakers to probe into the reported cases of “ethnic cleansings.”
Georgia has claimed irregular militias were targeting and looting ethnic Georgians in the villages of the South Ossetian conflict zone and beyond.
And U.S. deputy assistance secretary of state, Mathew Bryza, who is in Tbilisi now, said on August 13, that “incredible reports of serious violence” were coming from the region.
“We have incredible reports that villages have been burnt and there are killings innocent people,” Bryza said, while speaking at a joint news conference with Alexandre Lomaia, the secretary of Georgia’s National Security Council.
Bryza also added: “we have certain degree of confidence in credibility of these reports.”
President Saakashvili said on August 13 that reports of “large-scale violation of human rights” were coming from the region.
“Balkan-type ethnic cleansing and purification campaign is ongoing,” Saakashvili said.
In a separate remarks made at a joint news conference with the French President in early hours of August 13 Saakashvili said, there were “rampages and ethnic cleansing” in the Georgian villages in the vicinity of the South Ossetian capital Tskhinvali.
BBC World and CNN correspondents on the ground have both reported on August 13, quoting eyewitnesses from Gori, as saying that paramilitary groups, apparently South Ossetian militias, were looting and robbing local population at gunpoint in the town. They, however, said they have not seen it with their own eyes.
A reporter from The Associated Press reported on August 12 to have witnessed “more than a dozen fires in what appeared to be deserted ethnic Georgian neighborhoods and saw evidence of looting in those areas.”
Alexandre Lomaia, the secretary of the Georgian National Security Council, said that Russian forces rolled their tanks into the town of Gori, which were followed by paramilitary groups and “mercenaries from [Russia’s] North Caucasus.”
“Russia has treacherously broke its word [on ceasefire and separation of forces] agreed yesterday in presence of President Sarkozy and rolled their tanks in Gori this morning,” he said earlier on August 13.
He said that the Georgian authorities would ask the foreign diplomat in Tbilisi to set up an ambassadorial group, apparently led by the French ambassador, to inspect the real situation on the ground and help to stop targeting the ethnic Georgians in the region.
Parliamentary Chairman, Davit Bakradze, said on August 13 that the parliament planned to set up a special group of lawmakers to probe into the reported cases of “ethnic cleansings.”
čia viena žmogysta tas žinutes gimdo, aš jau pagavau ją, gal gydytojo jai reikia, nes visi portalai jos skiedalais atskiesti
Dar išsiaiškinsime jūsų, išdavikų, asmens tapatybę. Ilgai būsite spardomi, ypač į galvą.
Dar viena "valstybininkų" klasta.
Viskas būtų gerai, bet išlenda yla iš šieno. Turiu omenyje Vaitiekūno aiškinimus, kad konflikto sureguliavimas neįmanomas be Rusijos. Kitaip sakant, Rusija pati save "reguliuos".
Kaipgis, kaipgis...
Viskas būtų gerai, bet išlenda yla iš šieno. Turiu omenyje Vaitiekūno aiškinimus, kad konflikto sureguliavimas neįmanomas be Rusijos. Kitaip sakant, Rusija pati save "reguliuos".
Kaipgis, kaipgis...
pritariu kajus ir zioma. apginkluoti ir siusti pas gruzus reikia seima ,azubalosa ir intriganta liansberga ir jo gimines bei sheimos narius:) ir maximozus dar nusiusti :)
Nesuprantu, kodėl nevyksta vakarų Europs prezidentai palaikyti Gruzijos, rado iešmininkus. Tą poną Saakašvilį senai reikėjo nuversti. Kokie rinkimai buvo aišku aklam. Pakišo gruzinų tautą po ugnim ir tiek. Galėjo pats kaip patriotas eiti į kovą. Pamokė atvykusi Rais kaip elgtis. Lietuva turėtų būti santuresnė, apgalvoti kiekvieną žingsnį, o ne išsišokinėti kaip varlė iš balos. Labai abejoju, jeigu mus užpultų, kas ir ta pati Rusija, vargu NATO eitų į pagalbą.
Apsups ir sukrus,kaip 4000 rinktiniu ir gerai ginkluotu Griuzijos vargsu.Rusai jau zino ka daro,o va toks nabagas is Uzubalos nelabai.tegu su liandzburgu ir adamciuku pasiima sautuvus ir kariauja pats.Ar uzmirso vagies A.Smetonos klikos gala?kas gali paneigti,kad tai negali pasikartoti? Bus to specnazo is visu pusiu ir zaliu ir raudonu ir is JAV,tikbeda,kad lietuviu mazai liko.Per tokius ismatas issibegiojo pries laika.Tai koki roju tu cia sukurei Azubalos su rasyte,isgama liandzburgu ir JAv pencininku adamciuku?Kokio karo Jums reikia.Mokykis istorijos ir gerk pertusina,atminti stiprina.Ir patarimas "nepatikek kvailu minciu lieziuvio valiai,o poelgiu savu kvailom minim".
Solidarizuojuosi su Kajumi.
Jei ES greitojo reagavimo pajėgos reaguos taip pat greitai kaip Lietuvos „valdžia“, štatai ir visa likusi Europa, tai kitą kartą rusai netyčia gali ir iki Turkijos pietinių sienų nužygiuoti.
Klounai, karas baigėsi, ką čia dar zyziat, musės jūs apgailėtinos su savo pasiūlymais-pazyzimais.
Jei ES greitojo reagavimo pajėgos reaguos taip pat greitai kaip Lietuvos „valdžia“, štatai ir visa likusi Europa, tai kitą kartą rusai netyčia gali ir iki Turkijos pietinių sienų nužygiuoti.
Klounai, karas baigėsi, ką čia dar zyziat, musės jūs apgailėtinos su savo pasiūlymais-pazyzimais.
Manau geriausia būtų į Gruziją pasiųsti seimą su prezidentūra ir visus ura patriotus in corpore:)
Seimo URK ragina siųsti į Gruziją ES greitojo reagavimo pajėgas