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Didziausia rusu kgbistu lizdo BNS/ELTA/kremlin "troika" paslaptis:
Tarptautinis Zmogaus Teisiu Strasburgo Teismas 2009 Liepos 16d,
- 70 tukstanciais doleriu nubaude putkinrusija,
- nes ji atsakinga Cecenijos zmogaus Arbi Karimov suzalojimus.....
Strasbourg court orders Russia to compensate Chechen family
PARIS, July 16
- The European Court of Human Rights on Thursday ordered Russia to pay 50,000 euros ($70,200) in compensation to the relatives of a Chechen who was abducted in 2003.
Tarptautinis Zmogaus Teisiu Strasburgo Teismas 2009 Liepos 16d,
- 70 tukstanciais doleriu nubaude putkinrusija,
- nes ji atsakinga Cecenijos zmogaus Arbi Karimov suzalojimus.....
Strasbourg court orders Russia to compensate Chechen family
PARIS, July 16
- The European Court of Human Rights on Thursday ordered Russia to pay 50,000 euros ($70,200) in compensation to the relatives of a Chechen who was abducted in 2003.
Didziausia rusu kgbistu lizdo BNS/ELTA/kremlin "troika"paslaptis:
Tarptautinis Zmogaus Teisiu Strasburgo Teismas 2009 lapkricio 26d.,
-324 tukstanciais doleriu nubaude putkinrusija,
-nes ji atsakinga uz 5 pagrobtus Cecenijos zmoniu likima/zuti....
November 26, 09- The European Court of Human Rights has fined Russia 215,000 euros ($324,000) over the disappearance of five people in its North Caucasus republic of Chechnya, the court said in a statement on Thursday.
Aslanbek Ismailov,
Aslan Ismailov,
Khizir Ismailov,
Yusi Daidayev
and Yaragi Ismailov,
from the Chechen town of Achkhoi-Martan, were taken away by armed men in camouflage uniforms in January 2003.
They have not been seen since.
Tarptautinis Zmogaus Teisiu Strasburgo Teismas 2009 lapkricio 26d.,
-324 tukstanciais doleriu nubaude putkinrusija,
-nes ji atsakinga uz 5 pagrobtus Cecenijos zmoniu likima/zuti....
November 26, 09- The European Court of Human Rights has fined Russia 215,000 euros ($324,000) over the disappearance of five people in its North Caucasus republic of Chechnya, the court said in a statement on Thursday.
Aslanbek Ismailov,
Aslan Ismailov,
Khizir Ismailov,
Yusi Daidayev
and Yaragi Ismailov,
from the Chechen town of Achkhoi-Martan, were taken away by armed men in camouflage uniforms in January 2003.
They have not been seen since.
Matyt, ne tik čečėnai bombas mėto
O skelbė, kad ieško kažkokio ruso
Visada kalti čečėnai ane?
JO, dabar kalti šeč|nai
ir vėl čečėnai rankas prikišo, vieni čečėnai žudo, o kiti čečėnus dėl to žudys
Nesamones nes Putinas nebutinai turi vadovauti likvidavimui, nes pats Medvedevas per tv isreiske uzuojauta ir pranese kad nori visas naujienas gauti asmeniskai. Prie ko cia Putinas ir kiti marazmai, ka jus cia juokus darot is tragedijos?
Tai ką dabar daryti reikia? Ir kodėl nesąmones? :)
Ka cia nusisneki? Geriau aukas pagerbtum nerases cia savo nesamoniu
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