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nebūtų Hitleris ir puolęs Rusijos, jeigu ne Stalininės represijos. Pamatęs ką prisidarė, Stalinas savo ištikimiausią tarną Ježovą (berods, tai starovieras zarasiškis) skubiai atstatydino ir nugalabijo. Pastatė Beriją, kuris ir represijų mechanizmą išsaugojo ir ten sėdinčius sugebėjo įdarbinti stalino labui. Didelė dalis sėkmingų rusų kariuomenės vadų, ginkladirbių Berijos paliuosuoti zekai.
Autorius išsilavinęs. Na, o Peresas negali kitaip kalbėti,nes prie stalininio teroro daug prisidėjo žydai,kartu su bolševikais mulkinę tamsią liaudį.Tos iliuzijos ir plito kuo mažesnio raštingumo ir tamsumo terpėje.
Mariau, II pasauliniam kare žuvo apie 80 milijonų, iš kurių tik nežymi dalis žydų. Bet žala atlyginama tik žydams. Kaip manai, kodėl? Gal jie vieninteliai išlošė šį karą? :)
Štai ką rašo wikipdija apie iki šiol mokamas reparacijas (o jei ir kitos šalys pasektų jų pavyzdžiu) žydams:
West Germany paid Israel a sum of 3 billion marks over the next fourteen years; 450 million marks were paid to the World Jewish Congress. The payments were made to the State of Israel as the heir to those victims who had no surviving family. The money was invested in the country's infrastructure and played an important role in establishing the economy of the new state. The reparations would become a decisive part of Israel's income, comprising as high as 87.5% of the state income in 1956.[3]
Yad Vashem noted that "in the 1990s, Jews began making claims for property stolen in Eastern Europe. Various groups also began investigating what happened to money deposited in Swiss banks by Jews outside of Switzerland who were later murdered in the Holocaust, and what happened to money deposited by various Nazis in Swiss banks. In addition, individual companies (many of them based in Germany) began to be pressured by survivor groups to compensate former forced laborers. Among them are Deutsche Bank AG, Siemens AG, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW), Volkswagen AG, and Adam Opel GmbH. In response, early in 1999, the German government proclaimed the establishment of a fund with monies from these companies to help needy Holocaust survivors. A similar fund was set up by the Swiss, as was a Hungarian fund for compensation of Holocaust victims and their heirs. At the close of the 1990s, discussions of compensation by insurance companies that had insured Jews before the war and who were later murdered by the Nazis were held. These companies include Allianz, AXA, Assicurazioni Generali, Zürich Financial Services Group, Winterhur, and Baloise Insurance Group. With the help of information about Holocaust victims made available by Yad Vashem, an international commission under former US Secretary of State, Lawrence Eagleburger, has been trying to uncover the names of those who had been insured and died in the Holocaust. The World Jewish Restitution Organization was created to organize these efforts. On behalf of US citizens, the US Foreign Claims Settlement Commission reached agreements with the German government in 1998 and 1999 to compensate Holocaust victims who immigrated to the US after the war."
Štai ką rašo wikipdija apie iki šiol mokamas reparacijas (o jei ir kitos šalys pasektų jų pavyzdžiu) žydams:
West Germany paid Israel a sum of 3 billion marks over the next fourteen years; 450 million marks were paid to the World Jewish Congress. The payments were made to the State of Israel as the heir to those victims who had no surviving family. The money was invested in the country's infrastructure and played an important role in establishing the economy of the new state. The reparations would become a decisive part of Israel's income, comprising as high as 87.5% of the state income in 1956.[3]
Yad Vashem noted that "in the 1990s, Jews began making claims for property stolen in Eastern Europe. Various groups also began investigating what happened to money deposited in Swiss banks by Jews outside of Switzerland who were later murdered in the Holocaust, and what happened to money deposited by various Nazis in Swiss banks. In addition, individual companies (many of them based in Germany) began to be pressured by survivor groups to compensate former forced laborers. Among them are Deutsche Bank AG, Siemens AG, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW), Volkswagen AG, and Adam Opel GmbH. In response, early in 1999, the German government proclaimed the establishment of a fund with monies from these companies to help needy Holocaust survivors. A similar fund was set up by the Swiss, as was a Hungarian fund for compensation of Holocaust victims and their heirs. At the close of the 1990s, discussions of compensation by insurance companies that had insured Jews before the war and who were later murdered by the Nazis were held. These companies include Allianz, AXA, Assicurazioni Generali, Zürich Financial Services Group, Winterhur, and Baloise Insurance Group. With the help of information about Holocaust victims made available by Yad Vashem, an international commission under former US Secretary of State, Lawrence Eagleburger, has been trying to uncover the names of those who had been insured and died in the Holocaust. The World Jewish Restitution Organization was created to organize these efforts. On behalf of US citizens, the US Foreign Claims Settlement Commission reached agreements with the German government in 1998 and 1999 to compensate Holocaust victims who immigrated to the US after the war."
Autoriau, kas Pereso pasisakyme jums užkliūva? Kur čia melas?
Žinote, labai norėčiau pas šytas Peresas paklausti, ar jis žino kas visą Rytų Europą atidavė į Stalino nasrus? Girdėjau, kad Ruzvelto (ne JAV žmonių), jo patarėjų buvo labai panašį nuomonė ir kraujas. Kaip ir Kaganovičiaus.
Dar norėčiau sužinoti, kodėl pasirašius pirmąjį Molotovo-Ribentropo paktą, praėjus mėnesiui, Lietuva be jokių prieštaravimų buvo gražinta bolševikų įtakos sferon. 50 metų Baltijos tautoms teko iškentėti bolševikinį banditizmą (nekaltų žmonių žudynes, kankinimus, tremtis) vardan kvailos Lenino - Trockio - Stalino "pasaulinės proletarinės revoliucijos".
Dar norėčiau sužinoti, kodėl pasirašius pirmąjį Molotovo-Ribentropo paktą, praėjus mėnesiui, Lietuva be jokių prieštaravimų buvo gražinta bolševikų įtakos sferon. 50 metų Baltijos tautoms teko iškentėti bolševikinį banditizmą (nekaltų žmonių žudynes, kankinimus, tremtis) vardan kvailos Lenino - Trockio - Stalino "pasaulinės proletarinės revoliucijos".
Hundreds of people gathered in the square opposite Argentina's congress in Buenos Aires in preparation for a protest march against Israel. Protestors are carrying signs and handing out pamphlets condemning Israel and its leaders.
The protest was scheduled to coincide with the visit of President Shimon Peres to the country. He has already met with Argentine counterpart Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, and was received as an honored guest in the city. (Amnon Meranda, Buenos Aires)
The protest was scheduled to coincide with the visit of President Shimon Peres to the country. He has already met with Argentine counterpart Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, and was received as an honored guest in the city. (Amnon Meranda, Buenos Aires)
Neperseniausiai klausiau Pereso (Gimęs būti Perskiu iš Vyšniavos kaimo Baltarusijoj) interviu BBC karštam komentare. Jis nuoširdžiai prisipažino, kad yra karo šalininkas. "Nesuprantu kodėl pacifistai nemėgsta karo, juk karas - geras dalykas" - dėstė šis khazarų politikas, gavęs trečdalį Taikos Nobelio premijos. Nors ne visada khazarų politikams pasiseka šis "geras dalykas" atlikti svetimomis rankomis... nenusvilus pirštų. Tačiau gudruoliai net ir iš Holokausto tragedijos sugeba pasipelnyti... o turint omeny, kad per II-ąjį pasaulinį žuvo apie 80 milijonų, tai būtų visai įdomi istorijos revizija, jei ir kitos tautos pasektų žydų pavyzdžiu ir imtų ieškoti kaltųjų dėl savų aukų ir nuostolių. :)
Peresas teisina Staliną?