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A 4.5 billion year old planetary scale georeactor with a heat output of approximately four terawatts looks increasingly likely as more evidence keeps mounting.
The variable energy output expected with such a natural reactor has some supportive evidence also.

Earth's geomagnetic field has over the course of history weakened, increased, reversed and even temporarily shutdown. Activity which makes very little sense if you ascribe to the traditional assumed heat generation from an assumed cooling and growing nickel iron inner core.

A five-mile-wide spherical reactor of mixed uranium 235, uranium 238 and self made plutonium is what nuclear engineers would call a fast-neutron breeder reactor.
The nuclear fission produced heat warms the nickel silicide inner core and supplies energy to the mechanism that produces the geomagnetic field.

Many people think that the heat from the inner core then heats the fluid core causing convection motions which act like a **dynamo** to produce the geomagnetic field, although the true mechanism is not yet known with any certainty
*The end of the georeactor's lifetime is approaching*.

Nuclear georeactor numerical simulation results reveal increasingly higher ratios of helium-3 to helium-4 fission products occurring as the world ages.
A sign of uranium fuel depletion at the core.
This trend combined with the high helium ratios observed today in fresh lavas from Hawaii and Iceland indicates the end of the georeactor's lifetime to be rapidly approaching(geologically speaking).

Dr. Herndon is now working to narrow down a more specific date for this event currently estimated to happen anytime from the next century to a billion years in the future. Beryllium-9 and beryllium-10 samples from the core, if locatable, might contain vital information to help with predictions. When combined with other data it could provide us with an answer to 'when'.

After the georeactor does die, the Earths magnetic field will follow, having no source of energy to power it.

This collapse will have an adverse global effect on animal and plant life, from birds getting lost to solar radiation stripping off our atmosphere. It's questionable if life could in fact survive at all.
We do know that the sterile looking surface of Mars presently has no geomagnetic field.
Manau reikėtų ir žmonėms susiteikšminti kaip dėl klimato atšilimo, gal kas uždirtų koki milijardą kitą
man man lietuviskai galima :D as kaip geo nesuprantu :D
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Vat kokie dalykai vyksta toj žemėj. Per visą stebėjimo istoriją nebūna tokių dalykų ir atsiranda.
Mh, tikrai, jei to magnetinio poliaus nebūtų, būtų žemė dabar kaip kokia Venera...
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