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"sunerimo" tie, kurie patys ypatingai laikosi taisykliu ir saugaus atstumo...komediantai..aisku viena - visa tai, kad turetu ka parodyti per savo televizijas rusijos liaudziai..
Tai kad cia rusai plauke y juos:))
Sukėlė juoką, kai plaukė į Venesuelą.
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Rules ... ... an overtaking vessel must keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken. "Overtaking" means approaching another vessel at more than 22.5 degrees abaft[15] her beam, i.e., so that at night, the overtaking vessel would see only the stern light and neither of the sidelights of the vessel being overtaken.[11] Note that the opening words of this rule make clear that this rule overrides all other rules.
Idomu kokia panika rusu laivas sukeltu mexikos ilankoje??? :-D

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