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From NY Times

Amerikietis tarnaves armijoje grieztai, argumentuotai pasisako pries Izraelio kariuomines veiksmus Gazoje ir pazymi kad pagrindinis tikslas isvis nusluoti Gazos populiacija, o ne Hamas.

I recently retired from the US Marine Corps, but I saw service in Iraq. I do know something of military matters that are relevant to the situation now in Gaza.

I am dismayed by the rhetoric from US politicians and pundits to the effect that “if the US were under rocket attack from Mexico or Canada, we would respond like the Israelis”. This a gross insult to US servicemen; I can assure you that we would NOT respond like the Israelis. In fact, US armed forces and adjunct civilians are under attack constantly in Iraq and Afghanistan by people who are much better armed, much better trained and far deadlier than Hamas (I’ll ignore for now that the politicians seem to be oblivious to this fact). Israel has indeed taken a small number of casualties from Hamas rocket fire (about 20 killed since 2001), but we have taken thousands of casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, including many civilian personnel. Hundreds of American casualties have occurred due to indirect fire, often from mortars. This is particularly true in or near the Green Zone in Baghdad. This fire often originates from densely populated urban areas.

Americans do not, I repeat DO NOT, respond to that fire indiscriminately. When I say “indiscriminately”, I mean that even if we can precisely identify the source of the fire (which can be very difficult), we do not respond if we know we will cause civilian casualties. We always evaluate the threat to civilians before responding, and in an urban area the threat to civilians is extremely high. If US servicemen violate those rules of engagement and harm civilians, I assure you we do our best to investigate -- and mete out punishment if warranted. There are differing opinions on the conflict in Iraq, but I am proud of the conduct of our servicemen there.

With that in mind, I find the conduct of the Israeli army in Gaza to be brutal and dishonorable, and it is insulting that they and others claim that the US military would behave in the same way. I know the Israelis are operating under difficult circumstances, but their claim that they follow similar rules of engagement rings hollow; I see little evidence for this claim given the huge number of civilian casualties they have caused from indirect fire.

In particular, I am stunned at the Israeli explanation for the 30+ civilians killed at the UN school. The Israelis say they were responding to mortar fire from the school. Mortars are insidious because their high trajectory and lack of primary flash make it very difficult to trace the source of the fire; you have to have a spotter locate the crew. The Israelis claim that they traced the source of the fire precisely to the school; if so, they must have directly spotted the crew. Thus it is inconceivable that the Israelis did not know that the target was a crowded UN school, yet they chose to fire on the school anyhow. I say without hesitation that this is a criminal act. If the Israelis had said, “sorry, it was an accident”, that could indicate a targeting problem, confusion, or inferior training. But to openly admit that they responded reflexively to the Hamas fire without consideration for the inevitable civilian casualties is beyond the pale. The Israelis blame Hamas for firing from the school (although UN personnel on the ground dispute this), but choosing to fire directly at civilians is far worse; it is tantamount to murder. US servicemen do not behave that way in Iraq and Afghanistan, and we face much deadlier adversaries (Hamas mortar crews are apparently not very effective: I believe that all but one of the total Israeli combat fatalities have been from friendly fire). In the rare and unfortunate cases where US personnel have willingly targeted civilians, they have been court-martialed and punished.

The Israeli approach in Gaza strikes me as uncontrolled and vengeful. My objective analysis is that it has little tactical effectiveness; my opinion is that its main goal is to whip the entire Gaza population into submission. This is disturbingly similar to the Israelis’ conduct in Lebanon in 2006, so I feel obliged to say that the Israeli military displays a concerted pattern of disregard for civilian lives. I am not a politician, but in my opinion the US should take some sort of political action in this regard. If we continue to formally condone Israel’s dishonorable and brutal military conduct in Gaza, I fear there will eventually be dire consequences for our country.
oba,kur tik eisi,visur cikagiecio referatai.
Pastaba: Israel pasake atvirai ,- taip, pagal GPS nutaikeme ir saudem is patranku, isrukem is urvu ar is namo rusiu Hamas teroristus.

Stai, kur Israel tvirtumas!

Prakeiktas kremin kgb rezimas ir dabar neigia 1940-1990 m Lietuvos okuoacija, treminimus, pastaruju metiu propagandos, ekonomini kara pries Lietuva, beoi kisimasi i Lietuvvos reikalus.

Jai kelios dienos "kabaliuoja" is pirsto islauzti Israel kaltinimai su dezinformacijos intarpais.
Todel smerkiu Redakcijos ir interventu, Kremlin ideologiniu provokatoriu kurstoma antiIsrael psichoze.

Yra esmines samoningos klaidos, pagal nusikalstama Kremlin kgbist smegenu plovimo technologija:
-uzsipuola, kad tariamai Israel naudojo fosforines t.y. “draudziama ginkla”, bet veliau isaiskina, kad galima naudoti dumams, t.y. -jau leistinas!
-akcentuoja palestinieciu gydytojuu parodymus, t.y. kaip” kgb gydytoju”… kuriais as netikeciau.
Pirma tie “gydytojai” turi apkaltinti teriristini, ruus ginklais apsikarsciusi Hamas del zmoniu skydo panaudojimo, stai kur karinis nusikaltimas!
-nuotraukoje pavaizduoti Israel tankai neturi nieko bendro su straipsnyje minimomis bombomis,
-155, 120, 80 milimetru patrankos sviediniai nera aviacines bombos,
-per National Public Radio klausantis UN Sekretoriaus Mr. Ban Ki-moon inrteviu PBS, susidariau nuomone, kad sis vadovas niekais pavers Jungtines Tautas, todel nereiketu akcentuoti jo antiIsrael fraziu.

Pritariu Amerikai, kad Jungtines Tautas (UN) butina reformuoti, nes Kinai ir rusai, turedami veto teise, trukdo, sabotuoja viso UN darba ir uztaria teroristinius, antiAmerikos rezimus.
Sis Balsas straipsnis tarsi parodo, kad Redakcijoje yra rusu kgbistine grupe, kuri stengiasi:
- ivaryti pleista tarp Lietuvos ir Israel, t.y. tarp Lietuvos ir Vakaru sajungininku.
-visus sulyginti, atseit “blogi”,
-tuomet, atseit 1940-1990 rusu okupacija nebeatrodys Genicidu o komunizmo laime per gazprom/gazotekana, BNS/ELTA mums bando atridenti dvasinis iskrypelis is Palecku isdaviku dinastijos.

As the Guardian reported yesterday, Palestinian doctors have reported treating dozens of cases of suspected phosphorus burns.(tik dar itaria, kad tai fosforo nudegimai)
According to senior IDF officers, quoted today in the Ha'aretz newspaper, the Israeli military made use of two different types of phosphorus munitions.
The first, they insisted, was contained in 155mm artillery shells, and contained "almost no phosphorus" except for a trace to ignite the smoke screen. (155mm patrankos sviedinys beveik neturi fosforo..)
The second munitions, at the centre of the inquiry by Col Alkalai, are standard phosphorus shells – both 88mm and 120mm – fired from mortars.(jie yra standartiniai ir mano manymu, patys tie skirti Hamas galavariezams)
o stai sia pastraipa Balsas aplamai isdavikiskai nutylejo:

---“The mortar system is guided by GPS and according to Israel a failure of the targeting system may have been responsible for civilian deaths.”---

Patranku saudymas yra nustatoms pagal GPS (Palydovine Zemes koordinaciu nustaymo sisytema), t.y, pataiko i keliu metru diametra, todel mieste galima isrinkti reikalinga nama-taikini ir ji sunaikinti, nors gali pasitaikyti del klaidu, kad ir nukrypsta nuo taikinio.

Bet Amnesty International vistiek “prisikabino”, atseit buvo saudyta ne tik i Hamas urvus, bet ir i miestus.
Zinokime, kad Israel jaunuoliai yra visi pereje karini mokyma, todel patyrimas nera labai aukstas, bet ipras, ismoks.

Rusai gali tik pasvajoti apie Israel technologija,- 122mm rusiska raketa katjusha lekia 20 kilometru kaip akla, iki atsitenks i bet ka, bet ir atsitenkusios dar ne visada sprogsta!

Tikiuosi tie karo nusikaltėliai bus nubausti. Jau seniai akivaizdu, kad Gazos ruože buvo vykdomas paprasčiausias genocidas. Tik šįkart tai darė "nuskriaustųjų" tauta... Kiek žuvo žydų kare? 3? o palestiniečių?
cia kur bet ka suzinoja palaikys kariaujancius sionistus. Nesyki ir BBC rode gyvai, neutraliai komentavo nereligingu zydu nusikaltimus, tai ju atsakymas - mes neneigiame kad tai vyksta, bet nerodykite to zmonems. Nenori mat, kad pasaulis daugiau suzinotu apie ju taikomus metodus. O metodai dazniausiai pasirenkami tokie kad zutu kuo daugiau auku, civiliu, musulmonu. Siame "kare"- i vienus vartus- buvo kovojame pries bendra Gazos ruozo populiacija, o ne tik Hamas.
Vokieciai pries zydus naudojo "goluskauste" ir uz tai buvo teisiami.Idomu kada "demokratija" teis zydu banditizmo veikejus" Palestinoje i uz iszudytusus zmones.O gal ten ne zmone-arabai?, gal daugumai tik RUSAI visur kalti buna? O zydu nusikaltimai arabams koseriniai ir laikomi sidabriniame inde "nusikaltimu muziejaus " ekspozicijoje??
prie ko cia straipsnio kurejas?
prie ko cia straipsnio kurejas?
Hamas,hamas ir pastoviai hamas...rimtai jus nieko nesuprantantys,arba tokiais apsimetinejat!ar jus nors zinote,kad dabar tas hamas yra visiskai negrupuote,o jau visi Gazos gyventojai?visi!taigi sis karas buvo didziausia zydu klaida,uz kuria jis mokes savo gyvybemis dar daug daug metu!jeigu,buvo zmoniu kurie dar buvo pries sia organizacija,tai dabar,po sio karo jie yra visa sirdimi--uz.
Is kokio kanalo tas nesamones istraukei ? Gal "nesupratai ka matei" ? Gal tau norejosi kazka dramatisko parasyti zydu saskaita ? Vienu kartu pagauti du paukscius ? Bet likai be nieko : patikrinta ir irodyta kad ginklas legaliai naudotas. Daugumas auku yra Chamai (Hamas), tai kad jie naudojasi vaikais kad uz juos kariautu (pats matei) - cia ant ju sazines. Daugumas sugriautu namu buvo uzminuoti Chamais. Is kitu jie saude. Gal tu noretum tokius kaimynus ? Isitikines kad pradetum mylet zydus !..
faktai paprasti,del sio karo ir pykit saukit ir kaip jums tai nepatiktu bet yra kaip yra: begales zmoniu nuzudyta,begales invalidu,begales benamiu,naslaiciu,ateinanti ju nauja karta neisbris is skurdo,miestai sugriauti.ko jus cia rodot tuos youtube filmukus, tai karo nepateisina...
be to visi faktai is jusu nepriklausomo televizijos kanalo RTVi ... nereikia nei balso nei gardian:))jusu kanalus pasiziuri.tai ka patys rodot, o po to saukiat kad tai melas:)))

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