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Tarp kitko ziurejau filma "What the west needs to know" Labai informatyvus ir nesaliskas filmas apie tai. Kazkur internete yra su rususku vertimu
Jus paziurekite statistika! Jus galvojate kad toks didelis musulmonu prieaugis neitakos musu gyvenymo, kad jie netolimoje ateityje nevaldys mus pagal savo "istatymus"? Jus ka neziurit CNN? 10 metu mergaites veciamos isteket ir uzsiimineti seksu su vyru kuriam virs 30 metu? Yra ir ziauresniu dalyku. Ir tai milionai, milionai atveju! Kiek mums dar reikia pavizdziu ir Europos klaidu?
pavyzdziui pasimokyti is islamo itartinas zmonas stadione susaudyti,ar leisti vaikams akmanais uzmetyti ...
Pagaliau!!!! seniai to reikejo europai. truputeli dorovingumo, paqgarbos, santurumo ir dar dAug ko galetu pasimokyti is islamo !!
babaju tikslas apseklinti kuo daugiau kvailu europiniu bobu ir tai neblogai jiem sekasi jug kvaila boba ir religija priims pagal babaju.I musu krasta ner ko jiem brautys nes musu lietuvaites neblogai seklina turkai pakiai albanai kurdai atsivilkuses i anglija ar vokietija.
Na bet kaip moterys apsikenčia su islamu.. gi ten jos tikrai žeminamos
Stop Islamisation of Europe! sioe.wordpr
« No sharia here petition sign before 4th October
Altrincham – the islamisation of an English town »
Posted by sioeengland on September 23, 2008
Islam was thrown back from Europe in 1683
Nazism was defeated in Europe in 1945
Communism was defeated in Europe in 1989
Now Islam, Nazism and Communism are welded together into the new hammer of totalitarianism called NAZISLAM
However, this amalgam of oppression still uses the tried and tested tactics of bullying and intimidation. Stoning and stabbing are the tools of the trade, together with the Newspeak designed to silence free speech.
This is our future if we allow it. Bullying and violence.
Cologne 20th September 2008
Nazislamists violently prevented democratically elected politicians whose parties comprise “Cities Against Islamization” (CAI) from holding a peaceful “No to islamisation” conference at in Cologne over the weekend of 20th – 21st.
SIOE is pleased that political parties have formed a coalition against Islamisation.
Therefore, SIOE supports Cities Against Islamisation in its own efforts to prevent islam taking a controlling hold in the EU.
So we urge those people who agree with the policies of the parties comprising CAI to join those parties and to be especially active in fighting the Islamisation of Europe.
However, SIOE is not a political party and is distinct from CAI in this regard.
SIOE is a single-issue organisation which opposes sharia law and islamic control in Europe. It is actively attempting to reverse the islamisation that has already happened in European countries.
SIOE seeks to attract supporters who may not even agree with party politics. It also has successfully gained support from communities who have fled persecution in Islamic countries and those who have suffered under Sharia.
SIOE is building up a network of non-party political groups and individuals who wish to combine forces to stop islamisation of Europe.
What happened in Cologne over the weekend was shameful and a disgrace to democracy. Events have been well publicised on the internet, but as usual, knowledge of the conference and its unilateral cancellation has been suppressed by the EU mainstream media (MSM).
This suppression by the MSM is surprising in view of Cologne Mayor
Fritz Schramma’s observation that today’s events were “a victory for the city of Cologne and a victory by the democratic forces in this city.”
It is possible that the MSM were shamefaced because in reality the events were a travesty of freedom of expression and a resounding defeat for democracy.
The events were as follows:-
Around 1,500 persons were expected to attend the “no to Islamisation” conference
Around 40,000 Nazislam supporters allegedly were expected to show up to protest against the conference
Politicians elected by Cologne voters had booked the venue as they were entitled to do as elected representatives.
Christian Democrat Mayor Schramma attempted to ban the conference and then exhorted Cologne’s residents to demonstrate against it.
This is they did – violently – and the police moved in to stop the LEGAL conference instead of getting the VIOLENT PROTESTORS OFF THE STREETS.
This is now familiar, and probably standard, policing in some EU countries. Last year SIOE’s own demonstration in Brussels was banned by Socialist Mayor Thielemans, to appease his muslim voters who provided 10 muslim councillors out of the 17 his party had to control Brussel’s council.
liūdniausias scenarijus. Idėja aiški - daugintis ir išstumti.
Tikiuos kad taip niekad neatsitiks....
Nu tai po kokia 50 metu eisim palaikyt "Zalgirio" kartu su mumis eis ir musulmonai :)
Europa tampa musulmoniška