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Lietuvoje irgi buvo kkk klanas 1928m Liepos 15d.
David Duke [devid djuk] yra labai grazi pavarde:
-Deivydas Kunigaikstis!
.... tik rusu kgb priedangos firma BNS/ELTA mus kvailina ir vercia lauzyti liezuvi....
Nors KKK liudnai "pagarsejo", bet "Makartizmas" buvo:
- Amerikos patriotine, antikomunistine organizacija,
- issigelbejimas nuo komunist epidemijos !
is tikro KKK buvo "negera", nes jos ideologija buvo rasistine: "baltojo zmogaus pranasumas"
- ji kore, linciavo negrus, zydus, Katalikus,
KKK veike:
-1865-1870 metais, buvo 0,5 mln nariu,
-1915-1944 metais, nariu buvo 4 milijonai, ..
-1946 m iki dabar, labai negausi, nes jos dvasia jau atsiliko nuo siuolaikinio pasaulio:
-*** visi geros valios zmones yra lygus, nepriklausomai nuo tautybes, tikejimo, odos spalvos ar lyties!***
Tai, kad CZ issiunte buvusi KKK yra gerai!
Wisconsin Senatorius Joe McCarthy [makarti], buvo vienas is triju Amerikos didvyriu 20 amziuje, isgelbejo Amerika nuo rus kgb snipu ir nuo komunistu destrukciju, kurie veike per Amerikos komunist partija,
Senator Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin was one of the two or three greatest American politicians of the twentieth century. He dominated his era and overshadowed Presidents. His patriotism makes him the Great American Hero.
McCarthy gime 1908 metais Appleton, Wisconsin,
- 1930 m baige Milwaukee [milvoki] Universiteta ,
-1938 m isrintas i Milwaukee Teismo Teisejus,
-1942 m isejo savanoriu i kara, dalyvavo 30 mushiu, turi labai vertingu apdovanojimu,
-mire paciame zydejime, 1957 geguzes 2 diena nuo kepenu ligos
With the opening of the KGB archives and the release of the VENONA intercepts - decoded Soviet KGB and GRU traffic
- it has been proved that McCarthy was absolutely right about the extensive Soviet penetration of the U.S. government in all the most sensitive sections and its danger to America.
According to the KGB archives the NKVD had 221 agents in the Roosevelt administration in April 1941 and the Soviet military GRU probably had a like number. He was proved right that the Communist Party, U.S.A., was an arm of the Soviet intelligence apparatus and the Soviet Union considered the US as their "main enemy."
Joseph McCarthy was the giant of his day.
His supporters and associates all went on to the highest success:
-Roy Cohn became one of the greatest defense lawyers in America;
-Everett Dirkson went on to have a most distinguished career in the Senate as did
- Barry Goldwater;
- Richard Nixon
-and John F. Kennedy went on to become President.
-Deivydas Kunigaikstis!
.... tik rusu kgb priedangos firma BNS/ELTA mus kvailina ir vercia lauzyti liezuvi....
Nors KKK liudnai "pagarsejo", bet "Makartizmas" buvo:
- Amerikos patriotine, antikomunistine organizacija,
- issigelbejimas nuo komunist epidemijos !
is tikro KKK buvo "negera", nes jos ideologija buvo rasistine: "baltojo zmogaus pranasumas"
- ji kore, linciavo negrus, zydus, Katalikus,
KKK veike:
-1865-1870 metais, buvo 0,5 mln nariu,
-1915-1944 metais, nariu buvo 4 milijonai, ..
-1946 m iki dabar, labai negausi, nes jos dvasia jau atsiliko nuo siuolaikinio pasaulio:
-*** visi geros valios zmones yra lygus, nepriklausomai nuo tautybes, tikejimo, odos spalvos ar lyties!***
Tai, kad CZ issiunte buvusi KKK yra gerai!
Wisconsin Senatorius Joe McCarthy [makarti], buvo vienas is triju Amerikos didvyriu 20 amziuje, isgelbejo Amerika nuo rus kgb snipu ir nuo komunistu destrukciju, kurie veike per Amerikos komunist partija,
Senator Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin was one of the two or three greatest American politicians of the twentieth century. He dominated his era and overshadowed Presidents. His patriotism makes him the Great American Hero.
McCarthy gime 1908 metais Appleton, Wisconsin,
- 1930 m baige Milwaukee [milvoki] Universiteta ,
-1938 m isrintas i Milwaukee Teismo Teisejus,
-1942 m isejo savanoriu i kara, dalyvavo 30 mushiu, turi labai vertingu apdovanojimu,
-mire paciame zydejime, 1957 geguzes 2 diena nuo kepenu ligos
With the opening of the KGB archives and the release of the VENONA intercepts - decoded Soviet KGB and GRU traffic
- it has been proved that McCarthy was absolutely right about the extensive Soviet penetration of the U.S. government in all the most sensitive sections and its danger to America.
According to the KGB archives the NKVD had 221 agents in the Roosevelt administration in April 1941 and the Soviet military GRU probably had a like number. He was proved right that the Communist Party, U.S.A., was an arm of the Soviet intelligence apparatus and the Soviet Union considered the US as their "main enemy."
Joseph McCarthy was the giant of his day.
His supporters and associates all went on to the highest success:
-Roy Cohn became one of the greatest defense lawyers in America;
-Everett Dirkson went on to have a most distinguished career in the Senate as did
- Barry Goldwater;
- Richard Nixon
-and John F. Kennedy went on to become President.
Zmogus aiskiai ir profesionaliai paneige pilkuju susikurta holokausta. Teko perskaityti daug jo literaturos. Bet valdzioje visur pilkieji arba ju nuolankus gogai su magogais todel jeigu nori buti isganytas itikek i holokausta. O jei isdrysi suabejoti su tavimi bus susidorota. Bet nebe daug jau laiko liko ir sventieji inkvizicijos oziai jau pradejo isteriskai ir nenuosekliai elgtis. Mums tai i nauda.
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