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Iš dalies būtent dėl to ir patys žydai norėjo turėti atskirą Holokausto muziejų. Tai jokia paslaptis.
Tai kad Vilniuje yra Valstybinis žydų muziejus. Su KGB muziejum žydų genocido gal ir nereikėtų kergti, bo tada reiktų kalbėti apie ką kita... O tas "kas kita" patiems žydams visai nepatiktų.
Autorius teisus.
nebuvo, tai nebuvo, bet kaip su holokaustu? panasiai kaip su klimaiciu senior ir junior?
"Ferdinand I of Castile set aside a part of the Jewish taxes for the use of the Church, and even the not very religious-minded Alfonso VI gave to the church of Leon the taxes paid by the Jews of Castro. Alfonso VI, the conqueror of Toledo (1085), was tolerant and benevolent in his attitude toward the Jews, for which he won the praise of Pope Alexander II. To estrange the wealthy and industrious Jews from the Moors he offered the former various privileges. In the fuero of Najara Sepulveda, issued and confirmed by him (1076), he not only granted the Jews full equality with the Christians, but he even accorded them the rights enjoyed by the nobility. To show their gratitude to the king for the rights granted them, the Jews willingly placed themselves at his and the country's service. Alfonso's army contained 40,000 Jews, who were distinguished from the other combatants by their black-and-yellow turbans; for the sake of this Jewish contingent the battle of Zallaka was not begun until after the Sabbath had passed. The king's favoritism toward the Jews, which became so pronounced that Pope Gregory VII warned him not to permit Jews to rule over Christians, roused the hatred and envy of the latter. After the unfortunate Battle of Uclés, at which the Infante Sancho, together with 30,000 men, were killed, an anti-Jewish riot broke out in Toledo; many Jews were slain, and their houses and synagogues were burned (1108). Alfonso intended to punish the murderers and incendiaries, but died before he could carry out his intention (June, 1109). After his death the inhabitants of Carrion fell upon the Jews; many were slain, others were imprisoned, and their houses were pillaged."
Bet aš komentarei klausiau apie Lietuvą. Todėl dabar tamystos eilė atsakyti.
"Ferdinand I of Castile set aside a part of the Jewish taxes for the use of the Church, and even the not very religious-minded Alfonso VI gave to the church of Leon the taxes paid by the Jews of Castro. Alfonso VI, the conqueror of Toledo (1085), was tolerant and benevolent in his attitude toward the Jews, for which he won the praise of Pope Alexander II. To estrange the wealthy and industrious Jews from the Moors he offered the former various privileges. In the fuero of Najara Sepulveda, issued and confirmed by him (1076), he not only granted the Jews full equality with the Christians, but he even accorded them the rights enjoyed by the nobility. To show their gratitude to the king for the rights granted them, the Jews willingly placed themselves at his and the country's service. Alfonso's army contained 40,000 Jews, who were distinguished from the other combatants by their black-and-yellow turbans; for the sake of this Jewish contingent the battle of Zallaka was not begun until after the Sabbath had passed. The king's favoritism toward the Jews, which became so pronounced that Pope Gregory VII warned him not to permit Jews to rule over Christians, roused the hatred and envy of the latter. After the unfortunate Battle of Uclés, at which the Infante Sancho, together with 30,000 men, were killed, an anti-Jewish riot broke out in Toledo; many Jews were slain, and their houses and synagogues were burned (1108). Alfonso intended to punish the murderers and incendiaries, but died before he could carry out his intention (June, 1109). After his death the inhabitants of Carrion fell upon the Jews; many were slain, others were imprisoned, and their houses were pillaged."
Bet aš komentarei klausiau apie Lietuvą. Todėl dabar tamystos eilė atsakyti.
ir prasidėjo Bobelinė. O Bobelis ir Amerikėj lietuvių išeivių nebuvo mėgiamas, nes nesutapo nuomonės dėl Lietuvos nepriklausomybės. O kur dabar daktaras Bobelis?
kadangi tamsta baiges tik profke, tai pirma karta viskas ivyko 11 amziuje Barcelonoje, ten buvo pirmas zydu holokaustas, KODEL TAI IVYKO PIRMA KARTA JAU PRIES 1000METU???
O kodėl Lietuvoje holokaustas prasidėjo ketveriais metais anksčiau, negu vokiečių okupacija. Ir kodel jį tada vykdė ne vokiečių nacistai, o nacistai-sionistai?
holokaustas kaip kokia mana - visus monija
sutinku, Holokaustas jau seniai virto biznio objektu, kuriame sukasi ir lietuviškieji "istorikai" (tiksliau būtų sakyti - isterikai). Jiems (kasparavičiams, donskiams ir kitiems išdavikams)lietuvių tautos kančios ir lietuvybė apskritai yra "nemodernus požiūris". "Modernus" tik tada kai liaupsinama ES, žydų reikalai ir kitoks marazmas
Atsakymas „besisukantiems“ Holokausto industrijos versle