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Cia visiems jums ir lietuvos pilietybe turintiems ir nebeturintiems, bet aiskiai psichiskai traumatizuotiems zmonems - ar ant tiek savigarbos neturit, kad tokiais zodziais issireiksti temokat...? Geda net skaityti jusu komentarus...
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Gavus Norvegijos pilietybe, Norvegija is taves nereikalauja atsisakyti kitos pilietybes, taip kad nesvaik nabage!
Norvegijos oficialus saltiniai (pasiekoks PATS jei idomu):
1.1 What happens to my old citizenship when I become Norwegian?
Although Norwegian law is based on the principle that dual citizenship is not acceptable, Norwegian authorities cannot answer for what legislation in your home country says about citizenship.
Frequently asked questions:
Do I automatically forfeit my original citizenship when I become Norwegian?
Can I keep my original citizenship after having been granted Norwegian citizenship?
Can I renounce my original citizenship?
Such questions must be addressed to the relevant authorities in your home country, or the country’s embassy or High Commissioner in Norway or abroad. Several countries have also made information about citizenship available on the Internet.
2. Dual citizenship in case a Norwegian acquires another citizenship A Norwegian citizen who has been granted citizenship in another country after he/she has applied for it, has given notification to be a citizen of another country or has explicitly agreed to be a citizen of another country automatically forfeits his/her Norwegian citizenship. This also applies in the case where a child becomes a citizen of another country as a result of the parents'/guardians' application, notification or agreement. See "Loss of Norwegian citizenship by new citizenship"
Where a Norwegian citizen acquires another citizenship by other reasons the Norwegian citizenship is not lost. In other words double citizenship is allowed.
3. Where dual citizenship is allowed?
In respects other than in the above mentioned No 1 and No 2 dual citizenship is allowed.
4. What does it entail to have dual citizenship?
With dual citizenship, you have rights and obligations to two different states. If you renounce your previous citizenship, you will only have rights and obligations to Norway.
4.1 Some rights in connection with dual citizenship You are entitled to have two passports. Norwegian permits will not, however, be stamped in your foreign passport since you are also a Norwegian citizen.
You are entitled to diplomatic protection and consular assistance from the authorities of both countries.
You will be regarded as a full Norwegian citizen on a par with other Norwegian citizens.
Please note that it may be difficult for Norwegian authorities to give you diplomatic protection if you are staying in the other country of which you are also a citizen.
4.2 Obliged military service (compulsory enlistment)As Norwegian you are obliged to perform your military service in Norway. However, this does not apply in case there is an agreement between Norway and the other country deciding that you shall fulfil your military obligations in that country.
According to the law in most European countries and the USA persons possessing dual citizenship shall perform military service in the country in which they are habitually resident.
Questions in this connection can be addressed to: The National Service Administration, Postmottak, 2617 Lillehammer: e-mail: [email protected].
Last updated: 13.09.2006
Published: 10.04.2006
Norvegijos oficialus saltiniai (pasiekoks PATS jei idomu):
1.1 What happens to my old citizenship when I become Norwegian?
Although Norwegian law is based on the principle that dual citizenship is not acceptable, Norwegian authorities cannot answer for what legislation in your home country says about citizenship.
Frequently asked questions:
Do I automatically forfeit my original citizenship when I become Norwegian?
Can I keep my original citizenship after having been granted Norwegian citizenship?
Can I renounce my original citizenship?
Such questions must be addressed to the relevant authorities in your home country, or the country’s embassy or High Commissioner in Norway or abroad. Several countries have also made information about citizenship available on the Internet.
2. Dual citizenship in case a Norwegian acquires another citizenship A Norwegian citizen who has been granted citizenship in another country after he/she has applied for it, has given notification to be a citizen of another country or has explicitly agreed to be a citizen of another country automatically forfeits his/her Norwegian citizenship. This also applies in the case where a child becomes a citizen of another country as a result of the parents'/guardians' application, notification or agreement. See "Loss of Norwegian citizenship by new citizenship"
Where a Norwegian citizen acquires another citizenship by other reasons the Norwegian citizenship is not lost. In other words double citizenship is allowed.
3. Where dual citizenship is allowed?
In respects other than in the above mentioned No 1 and No 2 dual citizenship is allowed.
4. What does it entail to have dual citizenship?
With dual citizenship, you have rights and obligations to two different states. If you renounce your previous citizenship, you will only have rights and obligations to Norway.
4.1 Some rights in connection with dual citizenship You are entitled to have two passports. Norwegian permits will not, however, be stamped in your foreign passport since you are also a Norwegian citizen.
You are entitled to diplomatic protection and consular assistance from the authorities of both countries.
You will be regarded as a full Norwegian citizen on a par with other Norwegian citizens.
Please note that it may be difficult for Norwegian authorities to give you diplomatic protection if you are staying in the other country of which you are also a citizen.
4.2 Obliged military service (compulsory enlistment)As Norwegian you are obliged to perform your military service in Norway. However, this does not apply in case there is an agreement between Norway and the other country deciding that you shall fulfil your military obligations in that country.
According to the law in most European countries and the USA persons possessing dual citizenship shall perform military service in the country in which they are habitually resident.
Questions in this connection can be addressed to: The National Service Administration, Postmottak, 2617 Lillehammer: e-mail: [email protected].
Last updated: 13.09.2006
Published: 10.04.2006
Kuo Lietuvai nusipelno emigrantai-lietuvaičiai, jie dirba, moka mokesčius, augina vaikus ir leidžia pinigus svetimose šalyse, O NE LIETUVOJE. Tai ir tegul "pumpuoja" savo teises užsienyje. Kuo jie NUSIPELNO LIETUVAI? NA KUO, ar dėl to, kad kažkas iš jo giminės buvo lietuvis tai dabarLietuvos gyventojai ir Lietuvos statytojai turi pulti ant kelių prieš tokį perėjūną, kuris atsisakė savo tėvynės dėl geresnio gyvenimo, ir jam SKUBĖTI ĮTEIKINĖTI LIETUVIŠKĄ PASĄ? Taip nieko nebus.Kažkokie valkatos ir svieto perėjūnai NENUSIPELNO dvigubos pilietybės vien todėl, kad jie apsiskelbė esą lietuviais. Tegul tokie tipeliai pabando gauti dvigubą Norvegijoss ar Danijos pilietybę. Tada gal supras, kad atsisakinėti nuo savo pilietybės-tai IŠDAVYSĖ,O IŠDAVIKAMS NIEKAS IŠ NAUJO LIETUVIŠKŲ PASŲ NEDALINS. Jūs patys pasirinkot savo pilietybę, atsisakę nuo lietuviškos. Dabar ir džiaukitės.
dziaugiesi tu Kremliaus pakalike! Deka tokiu kaip tu 1940-ais metais i Lietuva buvo ivesti kraujo Armijos tankai!
Puikus sprendimas, isdure Nausiene
"Kaip pranešė prezidento spaudos tarnyba, V. Adamkus pastebi, jog Seimo priimtame įstatyme nustatant pilietybės santykių reguliavimą nebuvo paisoma konstitucinio reikalavimo, kad Lietuvos pilietis kartu gali būti ir kitos valstybės piliečiu tik ypač retais - išimtiniais - atvejais."
Nera tokio Konstitucinio reikalavimo. Konstitucijos 12 str. kalba apie "atskirus atvejus" daugiskaitine prasme, o ne "retais-isimtinais-atvejais". Reikia buti be garbes ir sazines, be morales likuciu, kad taip kalbeti.
Be to, Lietuva neturi uzsiimineti pilietybes atiminejimu, ir dar Lietuva , kas tenkina reikalvimus, tai yra lietuviai ar lietuviu kilmes asmenys, kaip kuriantys Lietuvos valstybe, visi turi teise i Lietuvos pilietybe.
Lietuva gali suteikti tik viena - Lietuvos pilietybe, nesvaiciokite apie dvigubas, ir turi rupintis, kad tu pilieciu butu kuo daugiau, o ne kuo maziau. Pilietybes atiminejimas is tu kurie tam turi prigimtine teise yra didiziulis nusikaltimas pries Lietuvos valstybe, o JE Prezidentas nusipelne apkaltos, kurios negali dabar atlikti nusikaltes Valstybei ir Seimas. Taigi zengiate Valstybes naikinimo keliu... o ar sulauksite pagarbos uz tai, gyvenimas parodys!
Pagal dabartini veikimo pobudi, kas turi du vaikus, is to viena atimti, kas turi du namus, is to viena atimti, kas turi dvi kojas, tam viena atimti....
Taigi ka atsakys pilietybes atiminejimo specialistai? Jie profesionalai bolsevikai, taigi atimines ir toliau....
Nera tokio Konstitucinio reikalavimo. Konstitucijos 12 str. kalba apie "atskirus atvejus" daugiskaitine prasme, o ne "retais-isimtinais-atvejais". Reikia buti be garbes ir sazines, be morales likuciu, kad taip kalbeti.
Be to, Lietuva neturi uzsiimineti pilietybes atiminejimu, ir dar Lietuva , kas tenkina reikalvimus, tai yra lietuviai ar lietuviu kilmes asmenys, kaip kuriantys Lietuvos valstybe, visi turi teise i Lietuvos pilietybe.
Lietuva gali suteikti tik viena - Lietuvos pilietybe, nesvaiciokite apie dvigubas, ir turi rupintis, kad tu pilieciu butu kuo daugiau, o ne kuo maziau. Pilietybes atiminejimas is tu kurie tam turi prigimtine teise yra didiziulis nusikaltimas pries Lietuvos valstybe, o JE Prezidentas nusipelne apkaltos, kurios negali dabar atlikti nusikaltes Valstybei ir Seimas. Taigi zengiate Valstybes naikinimo keliu... o ar sulauksite pagarbos uz tai, gyvenimas parodys!
Pagal dabartini veikimo pobudi, kas turi du vaikus, is to viena atimti, kas turi du namus, is to viena atimti, kas turi dvi kojas, tam viena atimti....
Taigi ka atsakys pilietybes atiminejimo specialistai? Jie profesionalai bolsevikai, taigi atimines ir toliau....
Seimo nariai, kurie siandien balsavo pries tai kad butu atmestas Adamkaus Veto. Kitaip sakant tautos genocido bendraautoriai. Emigrantai, isidemekit sias pavardes. Deka ju jus busite atskirti nuo Lietuvos:
Boreikienė Violeta
Čepas Vytautas
Jaruševičius Juozas
Karosas Justinas
Lapėnas Saulius
Muntianas Viktoras
Pečeliūnas Saulius
Ramanauskas Alvydas
Rozova Irina
Saulis Vytautas
Stankevič Vaclav
Subačius Mindaugas
Škil Viačeslav
Šukys Raimondas
Vertelienė Vilija
Veselka Julius
Boreikienė Violeta
Čepas Vytautas
Jaruševičius Juozas
Karosas Justinas
Lapėnas Saulius
Muntianas Viktoras
Pečeliūnas Saulius
Ramanauskas Alvydas
Rozova Irina
Saulis Vytautas
Stankevič Vaclav
Subačius Mindaugas
Škil Viačeslav
Šukys Raimondas
Vertelienė Vilija
Veselka Julius
kodel tai taip jaudina zmones,kuriu visa tai neliecia? ar tai ner lietuviskas pavydas? manes visiskai nejaudina Donecko sachtininkai ir ju problemos,nes su jais as neturiu nieko bendro,tai kodel jus gyvenantys Lietuvoje,taip stengiates ,kad mes isvyke prarastume Lietuvos pilietybe,kartu su mumis praras ir daugelis sportininku ir siaip zymiu,gabiu zmoniu,o Lietuva liksniekam neidomi provincija.Privaziuos emigrantu is 3 saliu,po 3 metu jie gaus Lietuvos pilietybe,susikvies visa savo gimine 300 broliu ir seseru ir Lietuva virs Bangladesu,tada ir prisiminsit,kad atstumet savo draugus,gimines ir jie prarade pilietybe nebegrizo i Lietuva ,o ju vieta uzeme atvykeliai su savo kultura ir paprociais,su savo teisem ir reikalavimais.kai gaudami pensija mazesne ,nei atvykelio pasalpa tai suprasit ,bus jau per velu...
Kas tave emigracijoje PRIVERTĖ ATSISAKYTI NUO LIETUVOS PILIETYBĖS? Ar dėl to, kad pas tave lietuviškas pasas tave diskriminuoja ES ar kitose Vakarų šalyse? Jei koks perėjūnas, SAVO NORU ATSISAKO LIETUVOS PILIETYBĖS DĖL KITOS ŠALIES PILIETYBĖS- tai toks valkata PRARANDA TEISĘ VĖL TAPTI Lietuvos piliečiu. Ir TAI TEISINGA Kas dar neaišku?
Turėti du pasus nebus taip paprasta (atnaujinta)