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Communist-funded vaccine incentives plan used in Walz’s Minnesota plandemic may be NATIONWIDE SCAM to vax to death children for “Bird Flu” in 2025

Who wants a government-funded “incentive” to poison themselves? Step right up and get your $200 visa gift cards and college scholarships for all kids ages 5 – 11 who get the next scamdemic mRNA nanoparticle jabs that cause heart attacks, strokes, infertility, turbo cancer, deranged thinking, loss of appetite and 3-foot-long vascular clots. That’s exactly what Commie Minnesota Governor Walz, the current VP candidate for the Dems, did during the Covid scamdemic.
dokumentiniai filmai:

VAXXED III - will premier in theatre in 24 days

Taip pat, rekomenduoju:

Died suddenly
odds ratio:

vaxxed: 4.49 x
unvaxed: 1 x

šaltinis: childrenshealthdefense (taškas) org/vaccine-curriculum

Ir kur įrodymai, kad nepakenks konkrečiai, pvz., man?

Tiems, kam lėtai daeina:

,,Infants Who Receive Multiple Vaccines at Once at ‘Exponentially’ Greater Risk of Disease, Developmental Delays''.

• Kids Who Received mRNA COVID Vaccines Had Altered Immune Systems a Year Later
• Vaccines as a Trigger for Early-Childhood Febrile Seizures
• Vaccines can spread diseases through shedding
• Vaccines Caused 17 Million Deaths During Pandemic Plus 4 More Takeaways From Largest Excess Mortality Study to Date
• COVID Vaccines Linked to Increase in All-cause Mortality, Italian Study Shows
• Yeast in Vaccines Tied to Autoimmune Diseases
• Infants Who Receive Multiple Vaccines at Once at ‘Exponentially’ Greater Risk of Disease, Developmental Delays

ir t. t., ir t. t. .

Informacijos apie injekcijų žalą daug, tačiau, kad būtų nauda - nėra nei vieno įrodymo.

dėl šitų nuodų, kažkodėl vadinamu ''skiepais'' turiu invalidą.

Jei galėčiau-nepasodintų į kalėjimą, tai nudėčiau tuos ''medikus'' ir ranka nesudrebėtų. - ir taip jaučiasi visi ''skiepų'' sužalotų vaikų tėvai, kurie sužinojo kas tai per nuodai. Dalis, deja, vis dar negali tuo patikėti. Gerai, kad ta dalis labai maža ir mažėja.
nuodykite savo vaikus.
Apie sveikatą ir kas ją gali sugadinti...

• britai-reikalauja-kompensaciju-uz-covid-19-vakcinu-zala/
• Thousands seek compensation after Covid vaccines ‘left them disabled’
• The British have demanded compensation due to the consequences of vaccination against COVID-19
Šie skiepai nėra privalomi
@Melas ; LIETUWOJE nėra nei vieno privalomo [skiepo].

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