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nu nu, viską nukreipia į juokus, kad atseit lietuviai neturi kuo užsiimti, nes ieško tų kalėjimų :) prajuokino, tai negi JAV atstovas sakys, o taip buvo, ten mūsų slpatas kjalėjimas :)
nugrybavo, reikėjo ne mešką, o žydinčiuosius kviesti,juk putinai turi būti mėgstami Lietuvoj, retkarčiais ir kaip paleckiai.
Panašu, kad komentatoriai "seiminija", "Mūsų ir jūsų partneris", "AJ", "praeivis..." ir "nh" varo arba iš Rusijos ambasados, arba iš prezidentūros (kas yra beveik tas pats).
Pirmiausia mes esame NATO valstybė, nes ES mūsų neapgins bėdos atvėju. Ir "JAV asaboms" čia reikia jau ne nurodinėti, o išlaipinti desantą (kol dar nevėlu).
Na štai, jei dar kažkam nebuvo aiški JAV ir NATO nuomonė dėl vadinamųjų ČŽV kalėjimų ir apskritai dėl vadinamojo "naujojo Lietuvos užsienio politikos kurso", kuris yra sietinas su panelės prezidentės išsišokimais.
Kad mus laiko liurbiais - tai dar pusė bėdos, bet manau, kad jie jau supranta, jog mes "natūraliai" grįžtame į rusišką kloaką.
Nėra žodžių.
Kad mus laiko liurbiais - tai dar pusė bėdos, bet manau, kad jie jau supranta, jog mes "natūraliai" grįžtame į rusišką kloaką.
Nėra žodžių.
arogantiskas tipelis !!! aisku Belarusija nieko neturi tik bulves ir traktorius, bet uztat Rosija tai tikrai besipletojanti dermokratija, kuri tuoj pasieks autoritarizmo apogeju :)
Minskas nepakankamai santykiauja su JAV todel jis yra blogas... labai blogas... Galetu labiau isiklausyti i Vasingtono politiku patarimus... O Lietuva su Baltarusija turi ilgiausia siena... Kaip sakant, Ji yra po sirdimi... Sito Vasin gtonui nesuprasti... Jei kviesti i svecius,- tai kviesti minimum visus kaimynus ir tolimesnius ES vadovus... Ir bus grandijozinis forumas!!! Visi skaniai pavalgys, privaciai ir ne privaciai pabendraus... Taigi, cia pati puikiausia proga itikti pasaulio galingiesiems... Ir tik nereikia ziopsoti ir praleisti eiline proga!...
Bruce Pitcairn Jackson is considered to be a neo-conservative.
Jackson is reputed to have been involved with U.S. Military Intelligence (1979-90), as well as the International Institute for Strategic Studies and on the advisory board of the New Atlantic Initiative. Jackson is a former vice president in the weapons division of Lockheed Martin (1993-2002).
He has served as the Chairman of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) and as chair of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq (CLI). He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
According to John B. Judis, Jackson played a key role both in establishing the CLI and in lining up Eastern European nations to join the Bush administration's coalition of the willing that supported the invasion of Iraq. "In the late 1990s, while working for Lockheed Martin, Jackson avidly promoted the expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe," he writes. "This year Jackson was able to parlay his NATO connections into support for the administration's war plans for Iraq. As the Bush administration was desperately searching for allies, Jackson helped draw up a declaration from the foreign ministers of the 'Vilnius Ten,' the 10 Eastern European countries that are up for NATO membership. ... Jackson set up the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq with Randy Scheunemann as its president. Scheunemann is another envoy without accountability. While working closely with Jackson on the NATO committee, he has been a registered lobbyist for Latvia, Macedonia and Romania, and a consultant on Iraq policy to Rumsfeld. Jackson and Scheunemann's biggest success was probably the Vilnius Ten declaration, which was the product of a dinner Jackson attended in late January at the Slovak embassy in Washington with representatives of those nations. ... Jackson's particular contribution was to tell the Vilnius Ten foreign ministers that signing the declaration would help win U.S. approval of their membership in NATO." [1]
Jackson and Scheunemann are also closely connected to the Vilnius Ten through the Project on Transitional Democracies:
"Bruce Jackson is the founder and President of the Project on Transitional Democracies. The Project is a multi-year endeavor aimed at accelerating the pace of reform in post-1989 democracies and advancing the date for the integration of these democracies into the institutions of the Euro-Atlantic.
"From 1979 to 1990, Bruce Jackson served in the United States Army as a Military Intelligence Officer. From 1986 to 1990, he served in the Office of the Secretary of Defense in a variety of policy positions pertaining to nuclear forces and arms control. Upon leaving the Department of Defense in 1990, Mr. Jackson joined Lehman Brothers, an investment bank in New York, where he was a strategist in the firm's proprietary trading operations. Between 1993 and 2002, Mr. Jackson was Vice President for Strategy and Planning at Lockheed Martin Corporation.
"During 1995 and 1996, Mr. Jackson was National Co-Chairman of the Bob Dole/Dole for President Finance Committee. In 1996, he was a delegate to the Republican National Convention where he served on the Platform Committee and the Platform's subcommittee for National Security and Foreign Policy. During the 2000 Presidential Campaign, he was a delegate committed to Governor George W. Bush and chaired the Foreign Policy Subcommittee of the Republican Platform Committee.
"Mr. Jackson is the President of the U.S. Committee on NATO, a non-profit corporation formed in 1996 to promote the expansion of NATO and the strengthening of ties between the United States and Europe. During the 2002-2003, he served as the Chairman of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq. He continues to serve on the Board of Directors of the Project for the New American Century, a non-profit corporation involved in educating American opinion on foreign policy and national security."
Jackson is reputed to have been involved with U.S. Military Intelligence (1979-90), as well as the International Institute for Strategic Studies and on the advisory board of the New Atlantic Initiative. Jackson is a former vice president in the weapons division of Lockheed Martin (1993-2002).
He has served as the Chairman of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) and as chair of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq (CLI). He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
According to John B. Judis, Jackson played a key role both in establishing the CLI and in lining up Eastern European nations to join the Bush administration's coalition of the willing that supported the invasion of Iraq. "In the late 1990s, while working for Lockheed Martin, Jackson avidly promoted the expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe," he writes. "This year Jackson was able to parlay his NATO connections into support for the administration's war plans for Iraq. As the Bush administration was desperately searching for allies, Jackson helped draw up a declaration from the foreign ministers of the 'Vilnius Ten,' the 10 Eastern European countries that are up for NATO membership. ... Jackson set up the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq with Randy Scheunemann as its president. Scheunemann is another envoy without accountability. While working closely with Jackson on the NATO committee, he has been a registered lobbyist for Latvia, Macedonia and Romania, and a consultant on Iraq policy to Rumsfeld. Jackson and Scheunemann's biggest success was probably the Vilnius Ten declaration, which was the product of a dinner Jackson attended in late January at the Slovak embassy in Washington with representatives of those nations. ... Jackson's particular contribution was to tell the Vilnius Ten foreign ministers that signing the declaration would help win U.S. approval of their membership in NATO." [1]
Jackson and Scheunemann are also closely connected to the Vilnius Ten through the Project on Transitional Democracies:
"Bruce Jackson is the founder and President of the Project on Transitional Democracies. The Project is a multi-year endeavor aimed at accelerating the pace of reform in post-1989 democracies and advancing the date for the integration of these democracies into the institutions of the Euro-Atlantic.
"From 1979 to 1990, Bruce Jackson served in the United States Army as a Military Intelligence Officer. From 1986 to 1990, he served in the Office of the Secretary of Defense in a variety of policy positions pertaining to nuclear forces and arms control. Upon leaving the Department of Defense in 1990, Mr. Jackson joined Lehman Brothers, an investment bank in New York, where he was a strategist in the firm's proprietary trading operations. Between 1993 and 2002, Mr. Jackson was Vice President for Strategy and Planning at Lockheed Martin Corporation.
"During 1995 and 1996, Mr. Jackson was National Co-Chairman of the Bob Dole/Dole for President Finance Committee. In 1996, he was a delegate to the Republican National Convention where he served on the Platform Committee and the Platform's subcommittee for National Security and Foreign Policy. During the 2000 Presidential Campaign, he was a delegate committed to Governor George W. Bush and chaired the Foreign Policy Subcommittee of the Republican Platform Committee.
"Mr. Jackson is the President of the U.S. Committee on NATO, a non-profit corporation formed in 1996 to promote the expansion of NATO and the strengthening of ties between the United States and Europe. During the 2002-2003, he served as the Chairman of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq. He continues to serve on the Board of Directors of the Project for the New American Century, a non-profit corporation involved in educating American opinion on foreign policy and national security."
Mačiau jį per TV kalbant. Nesimpatiškas. Negeros akys. Susirinkęs visas neokonų nuodėmes. Ne man spręsti, bet jam Obamos/Klinton atėjimas į valdžią matyt itin nemalonus įvykis. Taip kaip Januškai - Grybauskaitė:)
Džeksonas važiuoja savo vežime ir savo giesmę traukia. Ar jis geriau pažįsta Lietuvos kaimynus,žino jų santykius ,kaip mes patys? Ar jis pavyzdys ir autoritetas Lietuvai, geičiau pats muša,pats rėkia dėl CŽV kalėjimų?
B. Jacksonas: CŽV kalėjimų ieškota iš nuobodulio