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hitler is not the only one that ''hated'' jews. They have been hated for 2 milleniums, from all countries they have been... because they were always able to exercise a strong economic/political power even if they were not in their own country. Check the history, they have been kicked out and persecuted from nearly every nation in europe in the past 2 milleniums. Brainwashed ignorants think that hitler is just a crazy guy that one day, out of nowhere, decided to kill jews.
The core of the problem is the problematic group morality of the Jews, which is of a very parasitical nature. They only conduct their business with the interest for themselves, the jews and israel. They don't care about you, stupid goy. This is the reason why they own Hollywood. Just look up any entertainment network like Paramount, Disnet, Lionsgate, Universal, MTV. Any, I dare you; And you will find a Jew that owns each and every one of those companies. This is the problem.
Dante, Goethe, Pound, Shakespeare, Voltaire, Dickens, Schopenhauer, Wagner, Lindbergh, Dostoevskiy...they all denounced the danger coming from the Jews
Adolf Hitler was the Spartacus of his time, he broke the chains of the Jewish financial slave masters and fought a war against the Rothschilds and all the rest of the Jewish international bankers and their political prostitute agents.
Hitler had a pure heart and lived and died like a true Wagnerian hero.
If this man had won the war he would be praising him , crying in joy over him , because he would of saved the world from the nation destroyers , Europe is now being flooded with muslims , Australia is flooded with asians , America with mexicans, All white countries are being flooded with 3rd world people. Its a global threat these people will destroy the world and lithuania,
The core of the problem is the problematic group morality of the Jews, which is of a very parasitical nature. They only conduct their business with the interest for themselves, the jews and israel. They don't care about you, stupid goy. This is the reason why they own Hollywood. Just look up any entertainment network like Paramount, Disnet, Lionsgate, Universal, MTV. Any, I dare you; And you will find a Jew that owns each and every one of those companies. This is the problem.
Dante, Goethe, Pound, Shakespeare, Voltaire, Dickens, Schopenhauer, Wagner, Lindbergh, Dostoevskiy...they all denounced the danger coming from the Jews
Adolf Hitler was the Spartacus of his time, he broke the chains of the Jewish financial slave masters and fought a war against the Rothschilds and all the rest of the Jewish international bankers and their political prostitute agents.
Hitler had a pure heart and lived and died like a true Wagnerian hero.
If this man had won the war he would be praising him , crying in joy over him , because he would of saved the world from the nation destroyers , Europe is now being flooded with muslims , Australia is flooded with asians , America with mexicans, All white countries are being flooded with 3rd world people. Its a global threat these people will destroy the world and lithuania,
gal ir tu žydų nemėgsti?
kas juos gali mėgt kai visam pasauliui savo tvarka diktuoja, ir isivaizduoja esantys išrinktieji, ir seka pasakas apie kažkoki holokausta...tas holokaustas jiems tik tam, kad pinigu išmelžti iš vokiečiu.tegul atlygina palestiniečiams už savo vykdoma holokausta, kuris dėja ne mitinis, bet tikras
Pažįstu moterį,gyvenančią Floridoje,kuri,būdama karo medikė, savo akimis matė Berlyne ,prie Reichstago,iš Hitlerio bunkerio ištrauktus ir ,paguldytus žmonėms pasižiūrėti visą Gebelsų šeimyną su 6 nunuodytais vaikais.
Klausimas. Kaip ji galėjo matyti, jei Gėbelsas su šeima, taip pat ir Hitleris su Eva, nusižudė naktį ir tą pačią naktį buvo nacių sudeginti? Amerikiečiai tuo tarpu buvo už kvartalo ar dviejų ir vis dar sulaukė pasipriešinimo. Tad senutė jau kvanktelėjus truputį.
Kodėl nerašoma, kad Gebelso tėvas buvo Ispanijos Žydas, o mama Austrijos žyde.
man daug idomiau apie tokius žmones kaip
Gebelsas kažka sužinoti nei apie koki kirkila ar brazauska eiliniai vagys ir tiek
Gebelsas kažka sužinoti nei apie koki kirkila ar brazauska eiliniai vagys ir tiek
Ar neturi tablojdas Balsas apie ką rašyti? Kiek galima apie apie šimtmečio senumo įvykius...Rašykit apie Kirkilą, Brazausko elgesį ekonominės blokados metu, Šatrijos ryšius, Kubiliaus uošvinės bažnyčias...O čia ? Tiesiog sisteminis lochizmas.
Kaip gimsta tironas: J. Goebbelso meilės laiškai