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sukels veja Izraelio premjeras. O kunigas tai tikriausiai tiesiog ne iki galo pagalvojo, ka kalba. Nuskriaustasis visuomet galvos, kad ji tik ir nori nuskriausti - tai itakoja jo patirtis. Galetu zydai jau aprimti - kiek galima..
čia jau pagalbos šauksmas?
Alach Akbar
Begalibes karas :/ Kovas ten pas juos - pomėgiai.
ar tik ne izraelis vykdo palestiniečių genocidą?
žydų tauta ir Izraelis visiškai priešingi dalykai, tarp žydų tikrai nemažai gerų žmonių, ko nepasakysi apie Izraelio egzistavimą...
žydų tauta ir Izraelis visiškai priešingi dalykai, tarp žydų tikrai nemažai gerų žmonių, ko nepasakysi apie Izraelio egzistavimą...
100% sionistas. Gaila kad musu melo pasaulis negali nuteisti jo kaip karinio nusikaltelio. jis nuzude tiek daug palestinieciu.
Jų birkas reikia taip apipjaustyti,kad myžt galėtų tik pritūpę.Alach Akbar
Tik istorijos faktai:
"Within the span of a few decades, Jerusalem shifted from Roman to Persian rule and returned to Roman dominion once more. Following Sassanid Khosrau II's early seventh century push into Byzantine, advancing through Syria, Sassanid Generals Shahrbaraz and Shahin attacked the Byzantine-controlled city of Jerusalem (Persian: Dej Houdkh). They were aided by the Jews of Palestine, who had risen up against the Byzantines.
In the Siege of Jerusalem (614), after 21 days of relentless siege warfare, Jerusalem was captured. The Byzantine chronicles relate that the Sassanid army and the Jews slaughtered tens of THOUSANDS OF CHRISTIANS in the city, an episode which has been the subject of much debate between historians. The conquered city would remain in Sassanid hands for some fifteen years until the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius reconquered it in 629."
Persai - dabartinis Iranas.
Kai norisi zudyti ne "dievo isrinktuosios tautos" atstovus, tai "dievo isrinktai tautai" ir persai mieli.
"Within the span of a few decades, Jerusalem shifted from Roman to Persian rule and returned to Roman dominion once more. Following Sassanid Khosrau II's early seventh century push into Byzantine, advancing through Syria, Sassanid Generals Shahrbaraz and Shahin attacked the Byzantine-controlled city of Jerusalem (Persian: Dej Houdkh). They were aided by the Jews of Palestine, who had risen up against the Byzantines.
In the Siege of Jerusalem (614), after 21 days of relentless siege warfare, Jerusalem was captured. The Byzantine chronicles relate that the Sassanid army and the Jews slaughtered tens of THOUSANDS OF CHRISTIANS in the city, an episode which has been the subject of much debate between historians. The conquered city would remain in Sassanid hands for some fifteen years until the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius reconquered it in 629."
Persai - dabartinis Iranas.
Kai norisi zudyti ne "dievo isrinktuosios tautos" atstovus, tai "dievo isrinktai tautai" ir persai mieli.
o kaip su talibais. Juk vien Sadamo Huseino neužteko. Vis reikia reikia reikia eikvot po 300 000 000 000 karui. O Lietuvai numeta vos 4 000 000.
be to, tikrai reikia pazaboti tokius avinus kaip ahmadinejadas..grasinimams vietos nebeturi likti
B. Netanyahu: pasaulis turi sustabdyti naujus bandymus sunaikinti Izraelį