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Tiek oficialios informacijos inete, kad covidas buvo feikinis. Kad tik durnas ar pensinkas nesusivokia kas vyksta.
Gal dar liko tikinciu moksku?
Naujas globalistu baubas klimato atsilimas, co2, badas. Kol zmones nesusivoks kas vyksta, genocidas tesis.
Gal dar liko tikinciu moksku?
Naujas globalistu baubas klimato atsilimas, co2, badas. Kol zmones nesusivoks kas vyksta, genocidas tesis.
Nuo tų velnio skiepų, ne vienas pažįstamas prarado sveikata, prarado regėjimus, atsirado infarktu ir ne vienas ,kai kuriems net po 3 per kelis mėnesius, nemažai iškeliavo būdami pakankamai sveiki vos po kelių dienų nuo skiepijimosi , bet aišku to neirodysi nes mūsų medicina parsidave ir žinodami kenksmingumą ir pavojų gyvybei nuo tų cov skiepų, bet garai kad vis daugiau protingų medikų sulig kiekvienu mėnesių vis mažiau siūlo skiepitis tais velnio skiepais, nes žino pavojų sveikatai,pagarba jiems
Na ką vėl prasideda medikų ir valdininkų gazdinimai covid psichopatija, deja jau mes dauguma nesame tokie avinų banda kurią prieš kelius metus mus bandė paversti valdžia ir parsidavusi medicina, labai jais nusivyleme
09/18/2024 // Lance D Johnson
COVID-19 vaccines damage the blood and spread further destruction through blood transfusions
COVID-19 vaccines damage the blood and spread further destruction through blood transfusions
10/04/2024 / By Arsenio Toledo
Britain’s chief medical officer admits government “overstated” dangers of COVID-19, causing too many people to lock themselves in their homes
Britain’s chief medical officer admits government “overstated” dangers of COVID-19, causing too many people to lock themselves in their homes
,,America’s (USA) vaccine compensation program has awarded compensation to more than 6,276 families and individuals totaling to $4.7 billion since its inception in 1986.''
Kiek ir kokias kompensacijas, už [skiepų] padarytą žalą, gyventojai gavo DURNIŲ LAIVE?
• PLANDEMIC: Study reveals ventilator-acquired pneumonia killed millions – not COVID-19 as governments around the world claimed,
• Plandemic end game: Real agenda behind pandemic is to enslave the human race following depopulation, says Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLANDEMIC: Decades of research show how TYRANNY thrives during global pandemics,
• PLANDEMIC: China had a covid “vaccine” ready and waiting long before the pandemic,
• SMALL BUSINESS DESTRUCTION: The Plandemic plan was to get rid of every small business in America and make entertainment for elites only,
• Former NHS director admits on social media: Hospitals LIED about patients’ cause of death during COVID-19 plandemic,
• Just like with 9/11, the BRAINWASHED American sheeple can’t grasp that the U.S. government was deeply involved in the makings of the COVID PLANDEMIC,
• ir t. t., ir t. t. ... .
• Plandemic end game: Real agenda behind pandemic is to enslave the human race following depopulation, says Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLANDEMIC: Decades of research show how TYRANNY thrives during global pandemics,
• PLANDEMIC: China had a covid “vaccine” ready and waiting long before the pandemic,
• SMALL BUSINESS DESTRUCTION: The Plandemic plan was to get rid of every small business in America and make entertainment for elites only,
• Former NHS director admits on social media: Hospitals LIED about patients’ cause of death during COVID-19 plandemic,
• Just like with 9/11, the BRAINWASHED American sheeple can’t grasp that the U.S. government was deeply involved in the makings of the COVID PLANDEMIC,
• ir t. t., ir t. t. ... .
Žiauriai pučia vidurius - gal tai corona?!
Visi edukuoti skiepytis :)))
daunai i buda!!!!!!!!!!!
; "edukuotų" vaikai. Taigi, kodėl savo vaikus siunčiate į budą?
; The COVID “vaccine” is an intentional effort at world genocide
Per praėjusią savaitę – 4 mirtys nuo COVID-19